
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 09:27:40
“管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐.”(1)上述内容反映了什么时期的历史事实?(2)管仲是如何“相”桓公的?(3)“管仲相桓公”有何结果? 子曰:“管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐.”孔子称赞管仲,是因为管仲辅佐齐桓公? It is ridiculous that such a thing _____ in your familyA.will happenB.should happenC.would happenD.happened选哪个?为什么? 1.It is strange that such a thing ________in your company.A.happen B.happens C.happened1.It is strange that such a thing ________in your company.A.happen B.happens C.happened D.has happened为啥 It is strange that you ------say such a thing.AwouldBshouldCwill Dshall It is strange that such a thing _in your collegeA.happens B.will happen C.should happen D.had happened我选的是D错在哪了,应该如何选, It is strange that such a thing ___ in your school.A.will happen B.shall happen C.should happen D.happened 照样子写词语(10分钟内要)红火 红红火火 推敲 推敲推敲(各4个) 用“激”字组词.一想起雷锋叔叔,我们就()极大的积极性. 管仲相恒公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到今受其赐. 管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下这句话说明了管仲辅佐齐桓公采取了哪些改革政策 宁可高傲的孤独,也不卑微的恋爱,翻译成用英文怎么说? The women are listening to the radio 为什么听前面要用are希望能得到一个详细的解释 The men ( )to the radio.A、are listening B、is listening 请说明理由 司马迁说:"管仲既用,任政于齐,齐恒公以霸;九合诸侯,一匡天下,管仲之谋也."司马迁为什么这么说? “管仲既用,任政与齐,齐桓公以霸,九合诸侯,一匡天下,管仲之谋也!”的意思是什么 文言文翻译 管仲既用,任政于齐,齐垣公以霸,九合诸侯,一匡天下,管仲之谋也.吾釉囚受辱,鲍叔不以我为无瘛,知我不羞小节而耻功名不显于天下也. 举列说明动物是如何帮助植物传粉丶传播种子的 “管仲既用,任政与齐,齐桓公以霸,九合诸侯,一匡天下,管仲之谋也!”的意思是什么拜托各位大神 You often swim,___?A:don't you B:do you 选哪个,为什么 英语翻译1.请问怎么用德语说这句话?2.请问德语怎么表达N次一周,N次一月等,如英语的:(1)once a week ,twice a week,(2) three times a week(month)等~3.请翻译上面的(1)(2)2个短语.谢谢! 去北京学新东方有用吗?想去学学,练口语, I meet people every day有什么错? ___people are seeding email every daya,million ofb, many millions ofc,several million of我一直不明白这样的,我就明白具体数字那样的 如 5 million或者millions of...前面有那种含糊的量词我就不会,像several,many.这样 动物能够给植物传粉还帮助植物传播( )填 种子 还是 果实和种子?着急 在线等 及时地有悬赏要准确啊 明天就结业了 How soon ____(finish) the book____?求解 _____will you finish reading the book?-----In two days.A How often B How soon CHow long D How far选什么?为什么选这个答案?讲下理由(完整点)...谢谢啦.. when can you finish -----(write) the book I __(give )you the book as soon as I__(finish)it. I don't know Tim's telephone number.He doesn't know Tim's telephone number,either.(合并成一句)____ he_____i know Tim's telephone number. I don'd know A,how many his telephone number B,what is his telephone number I _______ don't know his telephone number.A.real B.reallyIt rained ______last night.A.heavy B.heavily