
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:10:44
二氧化硫、二氧化氮、三氧化硫毒性哪个最大?如题. Ling Ling Ling 歌词 写出溴化钠,氯化钙,氧化铝,二氧化氮的化学式 读出MNO2,CUO,SO3 KE MgCL2的名称 三氧化硫在常温常压和标况下分别是什么态(固液气)?二氧化氮呢? thay have( )art festival()this year的解析 英语翻译411605:the performing art is a major focus of the festival this year.求本句翻译及语言点1_the performing art is a major focus of the festival this year.翻译1:这种表演艺术是【这一年节日】的一个主要重点翻 能否给under the water的链接 小演讲water under the ocean一篇演讲,1分钟左右的,100个单词吧,要围绕主题的,初中看得懂就行 in the water 和 under the water 的区别?急,答的好有分给 十二水硫酸铝钾做净水剂的原因 这个图的三视图怎么画? 七()八落ling怎么写 put the burned area under cold running water的意思 空ling(二声)怎么写 It's helpful to put the _____[burn]area under cold running water -Could you please not keep the water running?-____.I'm turning of the shower.A.Ok,I willB.That's all rightC.Sorry,I won't D.Sorry,I will说明为什么 If you are bitten (cut by teeth) by an animal,wash the cut under cold running water.Cover the broken part,if there is any,with a piece of clean cloth.Then see a doctor as soon as possible.4.If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot),cool t 圆周率小数点后8位只要小数点后8位 恐龙,猛犸是一个时代的吗请速回 急 ling ling ling什么歌 找一首歌 第一句歌词开头是when she walks...第二句是when you 什么什么的,英文歌 一开始是钢琴演奏的 The atmosphere of a room really changes when she walks in.从句可以用现在进行时吗? 跪求知道一首女生唱英文歌,歌刚开始是爵士鼓伴奏“咚喳喳咚喳...”歌词里面有she get under your sky...我是在中国真功夫20140906期看到的 2013年春七年级下册第七单元A部分2d的解释Rick:Hello,Rick speaking.Steve:Hi,Rick.It’s Steve.How’s it going?Rick:Not bad,thanks.The weather’s great.What are you doing?Steve:I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park.Rick 女性如果染色体有问题有什么表现 He was so strong that he could lift the box.(用enough改写) 求计算概率100个产品中有20个是不良品,若想从中随机抽取10件,求计算10件产品中没有不良品的概率.最好附上公式~ 概率计算求助7棵树,各产7个果实,把总的49个果实混合放在一起.请问我们如果随意拿5个果实,拿到2号树果实的几率是多少随意拿6个的概率是多少?7个的概率呢?7棵树,各产7个果实,把总的49个 是否任何岩石的成分、特征一旦发生变化,就可以成为变质岩? The little girl wasn't _____ to lift that bookcase.A.too strong B.enough strongly C.strong enough D.so strong说明原因,也要整句翻译 TOm was wanted to work in the office though he didn't like serving there.这里为什么是was wanted.Tom was said to have been married to Mary fo 40 years.这里为什么 was said..前面都要加was. ____(finish) all the work repaired,Tom wanted to take a break答案是finishing或having finished我不知道为什么是进行时?老师说分词短语作状语,什么是状语?状语就一定要用进行时吗?