
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:58:27
"连词成句hair longer your mine is than." Her hair is t___longer than mine.填什么? 旅游英语A级相当于大学英语几级啊 keep your voice down 我想说说话小点声 这句英语对不 Mary has long hair,but my hair is even ( ) A.less B.longer C.shorter 选择哪一个? with so much homework___,Tom has to stay at home.为什么用to do 不用to be done? 关于一句很简单的英语问句请告诉我下面这两句话对吗?如果错请指出错在什么地方what are they jobs?Are their engineers or hairdressers? 简单的说什么叫祈使句? [[3个初一英语选择]]求理由的Is __ here?No ,Daniel is ill in hospitalA anybodyB everybodyC nobodyD somebodyWhat is his head ___A ballA likesB likeC likingD look like 初一英语 41题 选择的理由 with 前后连接的两个名词,前面一单数后面一复数,请问be动词 是三单还是复数? Who's talking in the next room?Nobody.Jim's radio选择题Who's talking in the next room? Nobody.Jim's radio( ).A is saying B is on C on saying D on 求纪晓岚诗词歌赋和名句 纪晓岚谜语:黑不是,白不是,红黄更不是,和狐狸猫狗仿佛,既非家畜,又非野兽;诗也有,词也有,论语上也,对东西南北模糊,虽是短品,却是妙文.谁知道答案是什么 Thank god I found you 的中文歌词 英语翻译最近你班就“你的理想职业”展开了一次调查.下表是你们小组的情况,请根据表格内容写一篇英文短文,向英语校刊投稿.may:理想职业:时装设计师.原因:喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画.kat pcn是什么意思 Don't drag that table across the room,you'll scratch the floor!drag可以用什么代替 A tear B pull C draw 推荐几首音乐,Thank you! 英语翻译many years ago my grandfather Benjamin Brown,travelled on a ship,the first evening at dinner a Frenchman sat downnext to ma grangfather.before he sat down,Frenchman looked at my grandfather and said,"Bon appetit"my grandfather stood up an The validity period .The validity period of a VDE-GS-Mark Approval may be prolonged on request.In case of changes in legal and /or normative requirements ,the validity period of a VDE-GS-Mark Approval may be shortened. 英语翻译Validity until further notice exclude FSC is subject to current update by airlines 这句话啥意思?是在客户给我们的报价前面的.别翻出您自己也看不懂得东西出来。请珍惜你自己的时间和精力, 英语翻译把所给汉语句子翻译成英语! 老师要在班级里举行一场辩论会.这次辩题是“开卷是否有益”. 正方:开卷有益 反方:开卷未必有益我是反方,我的辩论理由是:不是所有的书都对人有益 我不知道怎么辩论,在发表意见时 纪晓岚的数学诗词趣题是猜一位寿星的年龄的! Thank U For MP3跪求金俊秀的Thank U For MP3能当空间背景音乐的 我没有分 大过年的求好人 祝福 你新年快乐 家人健康平安 纪晓岚的诗词,哪个最动人心弦? 英语翻译如题.thanks this……day of …… 怎么翻译比较好? 英语翻译 Peter always ____his mother____the housework.A.helps,to do B.helps,doesC.not often go D.go often 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的总结分类