
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 21:33:45
1、Learn by____(do)2、He___(need)some plants.3、She is going to clean__(she)room tomorrow.4、___(do) you have a dictionary?5、My mother____(buy)a new skirt yesterday.6、Do you know____(person)write words on different things? 星星有多少大神们帮帮忙有多少星星 你每天花多少时间看电视 翻译句子 星星有多少?大神们帮帮忙 晚上出来来的. 谁能用一个或多个词形容国外的电影我希望多形容几个,连成一句话. 带影字形容男生的词语像形容女生用倩影一样,形容男生用什么捏? 明代官员爵位和品位制度 每个人都想在家看电视和在网上聊天(翻译英语 还有它的同义句) my friend wants to know about my morning(改为一般疑问句) “My friend wants to know about“My friend wants to know about my morning.”改为一般疑问句 The girl wants to know about his morning(改为一般疑问句) she my to wants about know morning连词成句 I do not like going to play with my friends .I like staying at home.(将两句和为一句) I like to play ____ my friends.初一(下),第一单元综合测试.A.at B.for C.with D.about 我国许多成语都来自于古代的寓言故事,如“杯弓蛇影”“掩耳盗铃”“画蛇添足”“邯郸学步”“买椟还珠”你能给其他同学介绍一个成语并扼要概述吗?(以上几个除外) my friend ,Lin Fen often me to his home for dinner 杯弓蛇影的寓言故事kuai If you ____ to my home for dinner.A.come over B.come to C.come back D.come up不可能吧,后面已经有to了 Jack is my new friend .He invited me ____ his home for dinner 以对待生活的态度为话题 写一篇议论文 If you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing ( ) your real friends are.A that B who C which if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.请问know为什么加ing然后那个difficult time,不是困难时间吗,在这咋翻译,然后再说出整句翻译, real,are,you,have,time,who,knowing,your,difficult,a,will,friends 连词成句,不要告诉我弄不出来,练习册上的,怎么着得编一句上去. My_____(friend)are at home today. 我们常用的成语有许多来自于寓言故事,像“塞翁失马”,以及“自相矛盾”“掩耳盗铃”等就是.你能举几个例子吗?请写出成语及其意思,并试着讲述故事 有很多成语出自寓言故事,如:黔驴技穷、朝三暮四、自相矛盾.你还知道哪些成语出自very 说出与自相矛盾有关系的寓言故事的成语 What would you like to lunch What A would B to C lunch D 《掩耳盗铃》这则寓言故事告诉我们什么? 除了掩耳盗铃还有那些寓言故事10个以上 掩耳盗铃的寓言大意要正确