
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:30:25
the summer palace 造句我不会 把the palace Museum 造句 有关倒数题目设f(x)=ln√(x2+1),则f`(2)= 用一般过去式造句 用一个过去式的英文造句用不用加yesterday 英语翻译是这几个过去式:rade ate was drank saw went won gave played watched 快啊,急,rade 骑 ate 吃 was 是 drank喝 saw看见 went走 won获胜 gave给 played 玩 watched观看 babysit的过去式和过去式造句快 已知tan(派+a)=-1/3,若a是钝角,a-b是锐角,且sin(a-b)=3/5,求sinb的值 已知sinβ=3/5,β为钝角,且sin(α+β)=cosα,则tan(α+β)= 钝角有COS,TAN, 已知cosα/2=3/5,α为钝角,求sinα,tanα 请教几道倒数题1.求Y=x^1.6的倒数2.Y=根号下X分支一的倒数3.Y=X^3*5次根号下X4.Y=X^2*X^三次根号下X^2/根号下X^5 倒数练习题 ( )的倒数是十一分之三 3又三分之一的倒数是( )1÷四分之三=小丽今年8岁了,爸爸的年龄是小丽年龄的倒数240倍,那么小丽爸爸今天( )岁 帮我看几道倒数题题o(∩_∩)o...1:lim(cosxsinx-x)/x^3 当x趋近0的时候~2:lim (sin^-1 * 2x)/x 当x趋近0的时候~3:lim (secx-tanx) 当x趋近90°的时候~4:lim tanh(1/x) 当x从负方向趋近0的时候~5:lim tanh(1/x) 当x从正 The children __ a small computer.A.each hasB.has eachC.each haveD.have each为什么?请详细说明每个选项, 用on is the deak the computer造句 已知α为钝角 tan(α+π/4)=-1/7 求(2)求(cos2α+1)/(√2 cos(α-π/4)-sin2α)的值. Can he\she\it\we\the boy\the children ...怎么造句 In the past,life for children,strict,nowadays,easier造句 1➗( )等于0.125等于( )➗64等于几分之5等于24分之几 2的相反数的负倒数是几? 求解根号下(e的x次方-1)/(e的x次方+1)的积分 128分之1+64分之1+32分之1+.+4分之1 a child as he is/as he is a child/child as he is/child though he was哪个表达正确?原因 a child as he is/as he is a child/child as he is/child though he was哪个表达正确_____,he knows a lot of english.what a great guy. 5.,he is good at drawing.A.To be a child B.A child as he is C.As a child D.Child as he is As he is a child,为什么不对,难道是固定搭配,必定要改成Child as he is 用“tired”造句 3分之一的根号下X次方 积分 (40分之37+7.5%)除以32% 1除以()=0.125=几分之一=()除以三十二=六十四分之几 负3是3a减b的相反数,a减1的倒数的相反数是什么