
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 11:38:13
请根据下面的句子各猜一个英语单词1 大海的儿子 2 是陆地却出现在海上 3 Father lost her 4 The ice in the office is gone5 I am not in the rain 6 I stand in the middle of the noise7 what key can not carry in your pocket 8 what 一道很高级的数学题!已知:5a-2x+3=0,4b-7x-21=0,且a 一道高级数学题请详细证明“在球面上两点间的球面距离最短” 找高手帮我做一道数学题(高等)某城市每天耗电量不超过一百万千瓦小时,该城市每天的耗电量率(即每天耗电量/百万千瓦小时)是一个随机变量$,它服从下列密度函数所定的分布当0 嫦娥二号的升空(描写) 自己写的嫦娥诗哪位高人能自己写一首关于嫦娥的诗! 描写嫦娥和玉兔的段落 厚粉的多肉植物有什么 2006年8月,爸爸为小明存了一个3年期的教育储蓄,年利率是3.96%,3年后取出5553.5元.那么,刚开始小明的爸爸存入了多少元 2006年8月爸爸为小明存了一个3年期的教育储蓄三年的年利率是3.69%三年后可取出5553.5元刚开始存了多少元 上面的题对吗?不对的改正过来 毛泽东描写嫦娥的诗 蓝拳PK套(除CC,远古2,粉外)本人穷13,800W要搞一套,可买什么 英语翻译Whitman was a transitional figure from Romanticism and Transcendentalism to Realism. 甲乙两人分别从相距36千米的A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,甲从A地出发至1千米时,发现有物品以往在A地,便立即返回,去了物品又立即从A地向B地行进,这样甲、乙两人恰好在a,b两地的终点处相遇, 英语翻译I HAD A CAT THAT WAS GIVEN TO ME BEFORE;IT WAS MY FIRST CAT BUT I GAVE IT A BATH A DAY AFTER AND IT DIED;HIS IS A NICE THING FOR YOU TO DO;CHATTING WITH SOMEONE IN ENGLISH;IT HELPS ON YOUR ENGLISH DEVELOPMENT;IN MY CASE,IT HELPS ME ON MY 请问这道题问你做? 英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话吧,什么意思啊Where in the national income and product accounts of Japan, China and South Korea are these transections recorded. 英语翻译Will iever find my place in the sun?What sun can light this darkness?And what hand remove this stone 《嫦娥》这首诗描写了什么? 《嫦娥》这首诗前两句描绘了————————————————————————————————————.我超级需要. 文字题要写答语吗 案发楼层 THE KILLING FLOOR怎么样 请问在什么书上可以做到雅思听力 阅读的新题型? 雅思听力什么题型最多? 英语翻译Hello Helen,Thanks so much for your email,sure everything is fine with me over here but tomorrow morning is going to be a busy day for me at the office about yours?Helen,would you like to get married with someone who did not have any rela 英语翻译1.厚德载物2.精气神3.福禄寿4.龙马精神5.福寿康宁6.天道酬勤 请给我徐向前元帅的简介! 英语翻译1.Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches.It is parents that supplement.Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children.2.parents might do their 身如菩提树、新如明镜台、生来无一物、何处惹尘埃、是什么意思? 有一个质量为7.8kg的正方体物块,把它放在1m^2的水平桌面中央,物块产生的压强为7.8*10^3PA。桌面收到的压力与受力面积?不要网上下载的哦~ 徐向前凭什么资格当上的元帅?