
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 03:41:40
Write about your life in ten years初二英语小作文, 我每天早上花半个小时读英语.I spend half an hour _____ ____ English every morning. Reading English every morning ____ half an hour.A.spends B.takes up C.cost 选哪个答案?为什么? 求一篇英语作文初二水平六十词以上,题目是write about your town and the best places/things there明天就要交求求啊各位学霸 英语作文:write about your plants Write something about your family.Your father ang mouther.Your best friend.并帮我写个短文! 求解一元三次方程组8x^3-6x+1=0须写出具体的解题步骤,答案用含有带根号的形式表示和小数表示两种. 解该一元三次方程:8x^3-6x-1=0多谢 求解一元三次方程8x^3-6x+1=0(解要根号形式) 答题竞赛,答对一题加10分,答错一题扣6分,2号选手共抢答八题,得64分,他答对了几道题? 答对一题加10分,打错一题扣6分.2号选手抢答8题,最后得分64分.他答对了几题 答对一道题加十分,答错一题扣六分,她抢答了八道题,结果得分六十四分,问答对了几道题? 英语:I often write l___ to my friends.Can you tell me some h___about your daily life? 求函数y=8x^3-12x^2+6x+1的极值 求函数y=8x^2-12x^2+6x+1的极值 函数f(x)=12X∧3+6X∧2+X的图像谁能告诉我大概,我算的这个图像只有一个极值点-1/6,且过原点,在R上单调递增,怎么画出它的图像啊还是说这个函数图像就不存在?是不是得有前提条件?比如说函数 y=1/2<x∧4-6x∧2+8x+7> 描绘函数图形 需要表格那种, ( )的三次方=-125分之1x的6次方y的三次方比较大小2的18次方与2的10次方×3的15次方 7的50次方与48的25次方 2的100次方与3的75次方 9分之1X的6次方=4,问X的3次方等于多少,9分之1X的6次方=4,问X的3次方等于多少, (-4)的2次方÷(2又3分之2)的2次方十5又2分之1x(-6分之1)一(0.5)的2次方过程 Write a passage about your favorite sport.The following questions may help you.1.What sports do you like?2.What’s your favorite sport?Why?3.How often doyou do it?4.Who is your favorite player?Why?I like...And my favorite sport is...根据这个句 Write a passage about your picnic.The following questions may heip you.写篇英语作文,60词以上1.Where do you want to go for a picnic?2.Who do you want to go with?3.What would you like tou take with you?4.What do you want to do there? 高分急求英语作文150字 要求:write a short passage about games people play in china.《games people play in china.》希望尽快点.分还可以追加.应心一班的听着 Write a short passage about one of your past weekends.The following questions may help you. Design a robot.Write a passage about it.The following questions may help you.Here is a robot ...__________________________________________________________________________________________...In short,this robot is very useful to us.1.What’s its name? 答对一道加十分,答错一题扣六分.二号选手共抢答8题,最后得分64分,她答对几道题一种方程,一种假设.3号选手共抢答16题,最后得分16分,她答对几道题一种方程,一种假设 答对一题加10分,答错一题扣六分,2号选手共抢答8题,最后得分64分.她答对几题? 答对1题加10分,答错一题扣6分.2号选手共抢答8题,最后得分64分.他答对几题要假设要思路 急 3分之1x的2次方y+2y-1的次数是? (5X-10):(6X+10)=4:5 得X=90怎么解详细 3号选手共抢答8题,最后得分64分.她答对了几题?(答对一题加10分,答错一题扣6分用方程解答,解、设、数量关系式、方程) 6x-(5x+10)=33的解是多少