
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:46:13
两个多月吧 For ___ ____ two months 她必须住院两个月 she___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for two months英语翻译.我想应该只有4个空怎么会有五个难道不是 must be in hospital My father reads _____after supper every day.A.a evening paper B.a piece of paper C.evening papers D.evening paper理由是什么。 用什么成语来形容岁寒三友 小明把一重为24N的石块,竖直向上抛出,若石块受到空气的阻力恒为物重的1/4,且方向总是与运动方向相反,(1)上升过程中石块所受到合力是多少(2)下落过程中石块所受合力是多少(3)画出 含岁寒三友名称的成语 快 Please stop smoking,___you?A.will B.shall C.can D.may What does the sign on the wall means?改错 Don't smoking can do ( )bad about you healthy填完后并讲解为什么? There aren't any apples.不加any可以吗? 在儿子的英语中有这样一句话:if you don't stop smoking,you'll die young.句子的意思,我是明白,但不知这个形容词young在这里如何解释,die也不是系动词,那么动词die后面跟个young又没有副词的词性,我很 I want you to be strong and healthy!So I can help you to stop smoking!.. I'm going hiking for two hours.为什么这里要加for? I'm going to find a job for a year or two.改为同义句I______to find a job for____or two____. I'm going to be ____ (away) for about two days.用所给单词的适当形式填空. “we should never give up easily”翻译 英文mine是什么意思?不知道什么意思 knowing how to communicate with others is also a technique we should maste翻译 There aren'tany fish here什么意思 there aren't any letters here里here意思 仿写:多么美 小桥流水人家 固然具诗境之美 其实更偏重于绘画的形式美 半小时之内在线等 要求:句子要结构一致,前面的“多么美”可以不改 “最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬.”一句怎样理解? 小桥流水人家,固然( )具诗境之美,其实( )跟偏于绘画的形式美 “小桥流水人家”,固然( )具诗境之美,其实( )更偏于绘画的形式美 (填词性)“小桥流水人家”,固然( )具诗境之美,其实( )更偏于绘画的形式美.(填词性) 英语翻译Indemnifications shall apply to either party in the event of the fault,fraud,negligence,strict liability or liability arising by statute of the party indemnified.嘛意思 we should never l ( ) at other's mistakes we.should.never下面是什么 Laughing at others is ____ we should never do.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing We should learn from Yang Lei.He is( )ready for helping others A.never B.ever C.sometimesD.always 谁知道李清照有没有关于花的诗句 表达喜悦情感的! 一物体质量为10千克,由静止开始以8米每平方秒的加速度下落 求物体下落过程受到的空气阻力 Rats are quite like mice,but they are bigger.同义句Rats are ______ _____mice,but they are bigger.