
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 00:32:24
英语翻译一:汉译英:1.你听过8:00的广播了吗?(提示:broadcast 广播)2.这位教师已经九十多岁了,他毕生致力于教育事业.(提示:devote to把……奉献给)3.自从解放以来,中国发生了巨大的变 英语翻译1你应该少吃硬的东西.2你应该吃点食物.3你应该吃点药.4你应该少吃日热气的东西5你可以伸伸腰.6你可以尝试一下数羊.7你应该多穿点衣服8你可以用冰敷脸会多少就说多少,最重要的 英语翻译My uncle has bought a house with a garden in front of it.The underlinde part is_____(with a garden in front of it)A.subject B.object C.attributive D.predicative______a model one in our schoolA.Our class is B.Our classes is C.Our class are 种太阳 表达了作者的什么情感快 三颗枸杞豆中能体会几种太阳的含义 1/2-(3/4-3/8), 1/2+1/4-1/6 , 2/3+(1/2+1/4),1/2-(3/4-3/8), 1/2+1/4-1/6 , 2/3+(1/2+1/4), 英语翻译1 Thank you for your letter dated 15 March regarding this year's staff outing to Margate.2 We cetainly appreciate that you have retained last year's price for this outing.3 All our employees are very much looking forward to our day trip,a 英语翻译The faster anthing is thrown into the sky ,the higher it goes! 英语翻译This is really critical as we move into modern poetry,especially by writers who place so much importance on sounds that the meaningbecomes all better relevant,like this line by Gertrude Stein that I’d like toquote.特别是这句话:t 英语翻译I know that he is a man who (that) means what he says. 英语翻译However,that Malthus was wrong about his own period and the future need not imply that he was wrong about the past. 英语翻译翻译:1、我想你在长时间的飞行旅行后一定很疲劳.2、Millie得了107分,她位居第五.3、Tom迫不及待地要跟你学汉语句型转换:1、She lives in Room 302.____________________________2、There are 40 stude 英语题:句型转换.最好翻译下,谢谢了1. I failed English last week . = I ( ) ( ) English last week .2. I was surprised to look at him . = I looked at him ( ) ( ) .3.We should speak English as much as possible . = We should sp 英语翻译句型转换1.I worked on the computer _for tow hours_(划线部分提问)2.Sally often walks to school.(同义句)3.You'd better go there on foot.(否定句)4.We must water the flower every day.(改为被动语态)5.I hav 有个人知道我喜欢他之后,不再跟我说话,而是跟我朋友说话是什么意思? 咏雪中的特殊句式! 《咏雪》文中的特殊句式倒装句倒装句判断句打错了,还有一个省略句 咏雪翻译? 英语翻译 咏雪的翻译 30%X乘50+5X=160怎样解答?每一个过程要写清楚~~~急~~好心人帮帮忙~ 50-x=5x 求x是多少求x是多少? 翻译成英语.最好运用特殊句型翻译我校学生会在2010年11月13日上午9点,在报告厅举行一场地毯生活为题的演讲会,并且邀请了广州大学的林教授发表演讲.为了了解更多有关环保的知识,同学们 翻译英语句型It the most feature packed versatile camera line produced请教英语高手,这个句型十个什么句型,咋么翻译 0是多姿多彩的数,请写出不少与5条关于0的性质. 2的y次方等于6,3的x次方等于27,求2的x加y次方的值 如果3.4.6a 可以组成比例,那么a是多少?(提示:根据比例的基本性质分类讨论) 根据4a=5b,可以写出的比例式有?写出来 应用比例的基本性质,判断下面每组中的两个比能否组成比例,能组成比例的写出比例式.35:2和7:5分之2 ()×()=() ()×()=() —————————— 2:16和8分之1:4分 初中数学比例式的性质是什么 有3a,b,6a,二分之一b(a,b≠0),四个数能否组成比例?如果能,写出这四个数组成的比例式. 已知x的平方根是正负3,27的立方根是2y-16+x,求x+y的算术平方根.