
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:03:03
一个圆锥形零件,它的底面直径是10cm,高是3cm,这个零件的体积是多少立方厘米? 把一个长12cm宽10cm高4.5cm的长方体锯成最大的长方体它的体积是多少立方厘米?剩下多少立方厘米?给我说说吧!明天交! 一个巨难的英语句子结构的分析及翻译-------------务必高手帮忙Again and again, in the postwar years, Twain seemed forced to deal with the challenge of race. Consider the most controversial, at least today, of Twain’s novels, Adv 英语翻译Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel.And he surely deserves additional praise:【the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism.】1、surely在句中如何翻译.2、分析【】里的句子结构, 英语翻译Turn on the TV,and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting,competing,and generally treating one another with no respect.请标准分析句子结构,并标准翻译,showered with 我怎么查不到,我只能 英语翻译Often this earliest form of advertising involved a newly arrived ship loaded with goods.这是一篇说广告起源的文章,这个句子是抽出来的一句,觉得有点晕.请分析句子结构,然后标准翻译, 哇哈哈 什么意思啊 三个哇哈哈 什么意思 星期天乐乐和爸爸一起玩积木爸爸拿出7块形状和颜色相同的积木对乐乐说这7块积木有一块重一点你能找出来就和你一起玩乐乐想了想很快就找出了那一块是重一点的你知道他是怎样找出来 同样多的积木搭成不同形状的物体,这些物体的体积一样吗?(要有说明) 世界上最珍贵的两样东西,英语怎么说? 宽带什么意思 INTERNET中www的含义是什么? 网络上经常看到bug, 世上最珍贵的东西是什么 把一个底面半径是2厘米的圆柱体侧面展开,得到一个正方形,这个圆柱体的高是多少 长方形.正方形.圆柱体的体积共同的公式是() 一个圆柱体的高是37.68厘米,它的侧面展开后恰好是正方形,这个圆柱体的体积是多少?(保留整数) 一个圆柱体侧面展开图是一个正方形,它的高是底面直径的几倍 一个圆柱体侧面展开是一个正方形,它的高是底面直径的几倍 逗比什么意思 别人说我是逗比是什么意思? 告诉我逗比是什么意思 逗比,是什么意思? 英语翻译Sometimes standards change,and it is unclear which principle should apply.Think of the recorded message you hear,played over and over,as you wait on hold when calling your bank:“Your call will be answered in the order in which it was re 英语翻译In our interconnected world,the lack of agreement in and of the world of science can lead to the failure to control the use of science.Without a common understanding,the challenges of “controlling” science in this century will be real 英语翻译Science is advancing so fast and is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believe whatever decisions we come to will make little difference.And,rather than fighting for the best possible policies,we may step back and 英语翻译But it was only reported this week—leading to accusations(谴责)of a cover-up by local authorities.The number of children infected with EV71,which is highly infectious,has risen sharply since the outbreak was disclosed on Sunday.Mo 世界上最珍贵的血型是什么? 有液态的二氧化碳吗?那液态空气里的二氧化碳是以什么状态存在的? 请教一下CO2在最高多少温度下为液态? 把一个圆柱体沿底面直径切成两部分,这两部分大小形状相同,表面积之和比圆柱体增加( )