
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:37:46
类似于亭亭玉立的成语 “亭亭玉立”是成语吗? 亭亭玉立的身材,这个成语能这样用么? I like foorball . 为什么football不加s Do you like football?football后为什么不需要加“s”like后面如果是乐器,后面要不要加S,但是乐器前面是有the的,为什么这个也没有了 英语中的虚拟句式,help me.用语由if,though 等引导的分句中,可以是be-型虚拟式,也可以用were-型虚拟式.如:If the rumour be true,everything is possible.又如:If it were to rain,the game would be put off.所以我想知 高中英语语法哪本最好?我需要,help me! let's____(be)good friends 横线上填什么? Miss、Mrs和Ms确切的意思? thewomanismytercher,()green.括号里应该填miss还是mrs That is their football.It's_____.用适当词填空 求night of fire 的中文歌词头文字D里的 Night Of Fire from that time on 的中文意思 1 That's a good place ______(shop)and_____(have) fun Let's go ____(shop) 其中的哪个用have还是has?说下为什么啊 All (that is needed)is a ...为什么不是the thing needed 拿走你给的回忆 英语怎么说 如何划分He didn't go to school yesterday.的句子成分? we should ask more students to volunteers at the city park(改为含情态动词的被动语态) 下雨中国古动物博物馆开吗? I am the one you are seeking all the time.中文 英语翻译:圆嘟嘟的脸,白皮肤,她总是很贴心. Which month comes before January?Which month comes after July 丰田matrix怎么样 MATRIX怎么样 欧莱雅跟美奇丝是什么关系 对括号部分提问:Our P.E.teacher needs (12) besketbalol. pules are important in our life It's important that they should eat healthy food(改为同义句) traditions are important in our life帮忙写一篇250字左右的文章.写的好可以加分 英语翻译What should I do at a party in England?What do I do at the party?You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself.You should introduce yourself to new people in the group.You should avoid pers they will have a swim tomorrow afternoon对时间进行提问