
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:17:27
英联邦有什么好处 what did you do on Mother's Day las year? she -------a book about China last year,but l do not know whether she has finished it.A has written B was writting C wrote D had written选什么为什么? 等我有钱了接你到城里去.这是哪首歌的歌词. 不怕一万,就怕万一这句话的后半就很好理解,就是怕那万分之一的几率, 英语翻译 为什么说不怕一万就怕万一 英语作文What do you do on New Year’s Day(至少7句).最好带中文. She is an experienced teacher .That is to say ,she has?A many experiences Bmuch experiences 法语 自反动词怎么变化?自反代词不是要以être为助动词吗? 法语 复合过去时 1.4.5题动词的助动词不是être吗 还有10题不明白 “不怕群众不满意,就怕领导不注意.”英语怎么说? 不怕你不用心,就怕你没有心.用英语怎么说如上 I still remember the days ___ we stydied together in America.A.that B.不填 C.when D.on which E.A and B讲讲原因 体现陋室铭全篇主旨的句子谢谢了, 陋室铭全文81字,以“————”统领全篇? 法语用être作助动词的复合时态中,过去分词有性和数的变化,要和主语的性数相一致~是指直宾提前?就单是直宾提前这种情况:etre做主语时,才和主语一致? 用être作助动词的复合时态中,过去分词有性和数的变化,要和主语的性数相一致这句话仅在“直宾提前”才存在吗 78届奥斯卡的重要奖项都颁给谁了,有没有英文的介绍啊~要那些得奖者和影片的英文名字.最好有点简介~ 英语翻译“奥斯卡最佳歌曲提名”“奥斯卡最佳原著配乐奖” 请问得过奥斯卡金奖的英文歌曲有哪些? 英语翻译And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple-mindedness-as he sees it-of citizens,social workers,doctors,law-makers,and judges,who,instead of eliminating crimes punish the cri Her happy look ___ that she has done well in the...Her happy look ___ that she has done well in the examination.A.presents B.reflects C.appears D.seems能否用C 请讲解 he is naturally happy at the thought that the work he has done will benefit and gladden hisorganization and other peoplel.这句中的he is naturally happy at the thought 这部分如何理解呀? Can i give Tom a message?(同义句)Can i()()() for Tom? Happy,that is looking for a warm person over a lifetime… We spent three hours ____ our homework.A.doing B.do C.to do 英语翻译 大写的 us 在英语里怎么翻译 英语大写 US$79,016.00 SAY US DOLLARS SEVENTY NINE THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN ONLYSAY US DOLLAR SEVENTY NINE THOUSAND SIXTEEN ONLY上面的哪个对?dollar后面究竟要不要加s? 请帮忙翻译US$ 29,700 的英文大写, 陋室铭的一词多义有哪些山不在高,有仙则名.水不在深,有龙则灵.斯是陋室,惟吾德馨.苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青.谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁.可以调素琴,阅金经.无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形.南阳诸