
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:57:27
What't the matter?=What'wrong?=What's the trouble?=What's ____ ____?急 what's wrong?&what's the matter?两者有什么区别?能不能无条件替换? it is reasonable and understandable that the department makes the practice illegal.翻译 as much as在语法一致上是什么意思 half as many是什么意思? that the evidence is inconclusive,请解释一下that的用法 as much as they want 什么意思I shoud be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want .原句是这样的, 谁给我翻译一下,在解释一下as much as 的具体用法.谢谢 这句话怎么翻译?Key evidence here is that the quality system is defined,Key evidence here is that the quality system is defined, e.g. through documented procedures, and that it is effectively implemented, for example through the existence of qu saving as much as possible是什么意思 what's wrong?what's up?what's happend?what's the matter?有什么区别,哪个更口语话,更亲切! The white T-shirt is hers.(hers划线提问) ___ ____ the white T-shirt?为什么? 选括号里正确的单词:1、that is (her hers)T-shirt.that T-shirt is (her hers).2、Those are (his he)books.Those books are(his he).3、These ate(your yours)ice creams.These ice creams are(your yours). 为啥他说我的case是非法的,illegal casevoid chuli_students(struct students stu[]){ \x05int c;\x05int number,i;\x05do\x05{\x05printf("……………………………………………………");\x05printf("1:按学号排序 2:查询\n");\ 为啥会出现 illegal case和illegal break啊 非法的case和非法的break 以“追‘星’”为话题,写一篇500字作文.“追‘星’之风不可长”“追‘星’何罪”“我最崇拜的名人”, 七年期下册 我要追“星” 500字作文 北美洲人口最多的国家是?其首都是? 哪个国家的人口最多? 现在哪个国家人口最多? 句末的as 放在句末是什么语法喃 我正在写英语论文啊,需要一个能自动更正英语语法和拼写等错误的word版本哦,急, 我这周的周一周二周三都在修改这本书的设计,包括纠正英语语法,单词拼写,标点符号,然后设计书的侧条我这周的周一周二周三都在修改这本书的设计,包括周一纠正书上英语语法,单词拼写,标 我们初中是没有儿童节的今天老师非让写一个 以 今天儿童节 为题作文无思路列个大纲我怎么写呀 告诉下这些首都是哪个国家的.华沙、柏林、布拉格、维也纳、布达佩斯、贝尔格莱德、布加勒斯特和索菲亚.这些首都是哪些国家的首都啊?我只知道柏林是德国的首都,其他就不知道了.谁知 多个首都的国家世界上都有哪些国家是多个首都?都是那个城市? 国家首都的职能是什么? 咋填?英语的六年级(上) What can she do?she can s the f .what do you have for lunch on sundays?we have t ,t andmeat.s is good,but fall is my favourite s .The c is n the table.There are many clothes in it.What's your hobby?I like c s .Turn right at the h ,then go s .It's nex 这几个该怎么填1 The party will be ( ) a stadium .2 The hotel is ( ) behind the cinema .3 walk ( ) from the park.4 I walked very ( ) today.5 Don't be ( ).A.late.B.at.C.hard.D.south.E.try.谢谢了(我也觉的难,那个try到底该怎么解 欧洲有个国家的首都是个相对较新的城市,位于该国两个大城市的中间.是哪个国家来着? 这几个怎么写? as much as 用法?sometimes as much as twelve feet length长达12英尺