
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 09:56:52
anaesthesia什么意思 Gentlemen think it is polite to have l___ get on the bus first. I think it wrongly not to offer seats to old men on a bus改病句,1处2How much do you think a shirt cost3I want to have a car as his4 I will watch TV after finish my homework 求英语作文假如我是男生(我是女生),不限字数,英语口试要用,朗读时间2分钟,不要把碧昂斯的歌词贴过来英语口试要用,2分钟,不要碧昂斯的歌词! 英语口试问题“你的兴趣是什么?”用英语怎么回答?10句话左右详细点 儿字怎么组词 儿能组什么词 儿怎么组词 儿组词有哪些 用儿怎么组词 The man is rich and he bought a new car of ( ) A.him B.own C.his own D.himself 英语口试回答1.翻译:我每天都作运动,所以我的身体很健康.2.what do you often have for breakfast?3.Do you like Chinese food or Western food?4.What do you know about western food?5.What's your favorite food?And why? 2(a-b)[1/2(b-a)^3]^3 PS:^的意思是次方,^的后面为指数.a^7+a^9等于多少? Ps第一个括号后面是2次方 10的6次方在ps里怎么打 计算:103的三次方ps: 初中水平表现(英语重要性)的3分钟短剧重点说明:1.初中水平的,简单点的最好2.只要3分钟,很短的就可以了3.表现英语重要性的.4.大概出演人员在3-4人左右 英语短剧应该怎么排练?我们就要举行英语短剧比赛了、、我是负责的、也是演员、可是没有经验啊、我们排的是《麦琪的礼物》、有经验的网友们、、多多指教啊、谢谢啦、、.道具要准备 对与错有什么区别? 对与错有什么区别吗?拜托了各位 谢谢高呼 阿附后 对与错的区别是什么 对与错的区别是什么呢? 对与错到底有区别吗 吃蟹的温馨 写点亲情的 作文,好的话我高加悬赏 请用don't have to pay for造三个句子 For the next two hours she [was absorbed in] the film,which turned out to be as good ……For the next two hours she [was absorbed in] the film,which turned out to be as good as she had hoped.//for the next two hours表示延续为什么不用完成 she Australia in two hourswill fly to flies to flied to has flied to选哪个呢? ABCC的词语有那些(三个) 照片已收到,怎么翻译?译成“the pictures are received”对不对? it's wrong of you to tell a (三个字母) 比较级+and+比较级 造句 太阳高度的季节变化的原因是什么 1地球形状 2地球公转 3地球自转