
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:41:58
名片要印“工贸”怎么翻译成英文?另外pack system. 有追问分 今天就要1、把2平均分成()份,每份是2的几分之几.2、把3千克大米平均分成8包,每包大米重(几分之几)千克,每包占总数的(几分之几).3、一个比的比值是三分之四,这个比的前项和 新人教版初中所有有关as、for、with的固定搭配 数学题如下,一定要今天之内啊,我市西瓜某产地组织40辆汽车装运完A,B,C三种西瓜共200吨到外地销售,按计划,40辆汽车都要装运,每辆汽车只能装运同一种西瓜,且必须装满,根据下表提供信息,1,设 高手在线帮我看看这个是什么古隶字体在线秒等!看图说话~应该是篆体~ 古隶与今隶的区别? 英语中有那些as as的固定搭配比如as well as as long as意思是什么都说一下 张迁碑是古隶吗 劳保福利是什么意思 什么是劳保福利待遇?什麽是劳动保险金?劳保福利待遇和社保待遇有什麽不同? 关于劳动保障有意义的问题加油! 我知道有一层意思是劳动保障.. 化解个人矛盾的方法有哪些? you should always connect with who you are,2.It doesn’t define who you are as a woman.这里句话中who是什么用法, 求这篇完型的答案From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying , but in the evenings and weekends they are free and ___1____ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others ___2__ sports. This is decided by their you should always connect with who you are.这里who是什么用法,翻译一下 求此篇完型答案! 求此完型答案A report said that an elephant became dangerous,and the owner wanted to kill it.Jack and Jenny were so 51 to hear that,but they had to say _52___to the animal.When Jack and Jenny arrived at the circus* _53___ Saturday afternoon,ther 完型,Once there lived a rich man with the name Baker,who was fond of chatting.61 he had his servant (仆人) do all the housework,and therefore(因此) he had enough 63 to chat with people.One summer afternoon,he was 63 to his friend’s birthday p 完型答案 有什么快速记忆法没 我要一两天之内背完3张A4纸大小的问答题答案.有什么方法? 伊索用什么比喻隶主 《金刚般若波罗蜜经》藏文怎么写? 木兰诗中的朔气传金柝的气是什么意思? 《木兰诗》里的“朔气传今柝”是什么意思啊? 加大包围的车,审车能通过么? 中国人民解放军建设的方向是 A.增加人数 B.武器强军 C.数字强军 D.科技强军 证明∑=西格玛xiyi-nx的平均数y的平均数西格玛上面是N,下面是i=1 为什么编译时说xi和yi都是未说明的标识符,#includeusing namespace std;class imaginary{public:\x05 imaginary(double a,double b)\x05 {\x05\x05 x=a;\x05\x05 y=b;\x05 }\x05 friend imaginary add(imaginary &i1,imaginary &i2);\x05 friend imagi 怎么证明E(Xi^2)=D(Xi)+E(Xi)^2 pretty Little liars11集什么时候出啊?以前不是每个星期一集的吗 pretty little liars 第二季 25集 最后一首歌是什么就是知道Maya 死了的时候 那首歌