
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:48:15
had better do sb/sth的意思和句例顺便把这些都做一下吧:had better do sb/sth let sb do sb/sthbelong to sth(越详细越好) 择优录取(四字常用语)大家来猜谜语吧! 答题王 择优录取 猜4字常用语 ? (猜五字常用语)求大神帮助 have better do sth.和had better do sth. have a better changce to 和have a way to do sth的意思是什么? 哪些词是像have better not do sth..而不是do not do sth?除了let makie let ask 还有哪些?不好意思 had better... Men have to be powerful enough to save the hope of your HE ___(WORK) in he workshop at nine this morning I've already had my holiday this year.i've 是已经的意思,那already 也是已经的意思.为什么这个句子用两个已经? I've come to closure on 1.Take exercise 2.Watch the diet 3.Take enough rest 4.Stay happy用以上词组写一段有关改善健康的建议要求:1.语意连贯2.70词左右 白事对联 帮我找几幅丧事对联.家用的,急用. 描写家庭的对联(要其乐融融的)! 求一副对联,包家庭和睦国家昌盛等内容, 形容家庭和睦兴旺的五字对联三个女孩子 一个男孩子 尾字为 【清】 【云】 【芳】 【程】. 帮我找一篇新鲜的入党心得体会.非常感谢了,过不久就要上交了呼呼~还要结合实践我是大二学生..帮我找一篇. If you don't feel well ,you may just____,1.stops working 2.stop working 3.stops to work 4.stop to work 推优入党有哪些程序 If you don't feel well,you may just ____.If you don't feel well,you may just ____.A.stopped readingB.stop to read C.stopped to readD.stop reading just stop reading and just stop him 请帮我分析这句话的句子结构,因为它很长,比如有没有从句的使用,同位语之类的,我觉得它就是简单句,Just stop looking out when little Efren chopped his buck tooth on a parking mete do you have a bedroon of your o____ Did you have a stronger sense of wonder in your childhood?这句话怎么翻译呢?不要有道或其他翻译软件翻译的~ 英译中5句:— We can give you a ride into town1— We can give you a ride into town— Oh,that would be great.Thank you.2— Haven't seen you for ages!Do you still work in Guangzhou?—No,I don't.It's two years since I worked there.3As never befo 谁知道入党个人总结怎么写 HONG KONG DIM SUM怎么样 the dim sum bomb .观察函数图象(如图所示),根据所获得的信息解答问题.(1)若折线OAB表示某个函数的图象,请你编写一种符合图象意义的实际情景.(2)根据你所给出的实际情景,分别指出x轴、y轴所表示的 解决与函数图象相关的实际问题,关键是从图像中获取解题信息,这是_____思想的具体体现, 观察函数图象,并根据你所获得的信息回答问题:(1)折线OACB表示某个实际问题的函数图象,请你联系生活实际编写一个符合该图象的生活情境;(2)根据你给出的生活情境分别指出x轴,y轴 Their parents ( )at work A.aren't B.don't 关于西班牙语的问题! 句子:El pato esta rico. 注意:esta中的a有重音关于西班牙语的问题! 句子:El pato esta rico. 注意:esta中的a有重音标记! 问题:请讲解一下这个esta!Gracias!