
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 01:14:42
怎么形容女孩子的 笑容?请大家推荐一些形容女孩子笑的话! 莞尔可用于形容女子笑容吗 无奈的笑容怎么形容? 眼袋用英语怎么说 四大会计事务所 为什么对英语有要求?英语在四大的工作中有什么用处? Stories can keep me reading day and night.的翻译 a person that has a good result organizations that make money by selling goods or services填词 something or somebody that has a good result之什么单词题目 Hou yifan is a_______ (something or somebody that has a good result)as a chess player 13.----Who are you gonging to have ___this letter for you?----My secretary.A.type B.typed C.been typed D.been typing This is___from the book.A what did i learn B.what i taught C what i learned D what didi i get 求英语高手写一篇200-250字的英语演讲稿 What can we learn from Enron?What fuels this event?What can we learn from Enron?What fuels this event?我们能从安然事件中学到什么 什么导致了这次事件急 周二之前急用! etc.的具体用法是怎样?在我印象中,etc.是这样用的:We bought some books,clothes,etc.I shall appreciate it if you will give me full information regarding this brand,with price,etc.之类,反正etc.的前面从没见过有and,可刚刚 2005用英文翻译(急!急!急!) 英语翻译Because celebrities are on such a high platform,we think they areabove the trivia of human existence.Going to the shops or the movies just doesn’t exist their lifestyle.And activities that would seem normal in our lives are instead high "go down by a factor of 是一道数学题出现的,说x变化后y会go down by a factor of 2是go down,所以是y=-2x还是y=2x? a factor of five 能否总结一下规律 问两个字1.左边是一个 黑 右边是一个 今2.熬 去掉一个 口2.熬 去掉下面的 四点 前七个字是“人民教育出版社”,最后两个字是什么?图—— 第一个字:左边一个三点水,右边一个“国”把里面的“玉”换为“豚”的右半部分.第二个字:“荤”把下面的“车”换为“牛” 懂的进第一个是“纟”右边加上一个 “丸”组合起来叫什么?第二个是“纟”右边加上“夸”字 读什么啊 有没有可以提高英语口语能力的音频文件啊如题. 《my school sport meet》谢谢了,关于校运会的作文 70词左右 report_______my school sport'sday 跪求两篇英语作文 1、my favourite sport---running 2、my middle school 请问a factor of 45 in 40 Second,individuals and firms may have trouble accounting for inflation(Modigliani and Cohn,1979; Hall,1984).Ten percent annual inflation causesthe price level to rise by a factor of 45 in 40 years 询问这两个字怎么念 遇到两个不认识的字,“蠚”和“櫜” we call it yesterday because we like old music的翻译是什么 英语填空People find__ important to keep a balanced dietA thatB /C it D this it seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons was a middle aged teacher ,【英译汉】it seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons on monday morning.,【英译汉】 请教这两个字是什么,朋友问我,我懒得差了,麻烦有知道的帮一下忙了,第二个好像是汇吧,最好详细说明在哪里查的(网络字典除外), 请问英语能干什么?