
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 07:31:06
donate some money to in difficulty 对么 We decide to donate some money to these children.改为同义句We ___ ___ ___ ___donate some money to these children. It is wise to have some money ____ for old age.A.put away B.put up C.hide away D.stay awake 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还的绿字,为什么比其他字好?还有哪些炼字的故事? 英语翻译急用, 放在金字塔内的食品为何不易变质? 根据首字母补全单词Jackie Chan is so famous that people all o_____ the world like watching his movie Jackie Chan (is in)this movie换括号里意义相同或相近A.is a student atB.is an actor inC.is a teacher atD.are actors in My favorite movie s—— is jackie chan 根据首字母提示填词 I'm going to walk to the hotel and do some shopping on the way.改错 社会群体性事件发生的背景和原因 何谓“群体性事件”近年来,随着改革开放的不断深入,市场经济的转型,社会利益格局的调整,新问题、新矛盾不断增多,群体性事件呈上升趋势,成为影响构建社会主义和谐社会的突出问题,成为 群体性事件和社会运动有什么关系?群体性事件是不是社会运动的的一种?还是群体性事件是社会运动的表现形式? 为什么google 翻译 api 总是返回 There was an error. 各类群体性事件特点的依据 there was an argument about the price.这句话怎样翻译,为什么加an. 英语翻译句中but子句作什么理解?outpouring,sympathy,indignant,整句话能否翻译下?句中Liu指liu xiang不好意思,but 句后面没有Ibest owed中间没有空格,为bestowed there was an increase of 38 percent in 1991over1996 以橡皮筋做发条当作小车动力,并要走弯道,急用! 填空 补充句子我们常常感叹现实的不公 却从不反思自己是够学会了忍耐和坚持;( )却从不踏踏实实地去做一件实事;我们不屑于富人的“暴富”,觉得那不过是机遇凑巧,( ) 谁能帮我填空补充句子啊!如果说燕子是( ),那么落叶就是( ). I 'm going to the supermarket to buy some________this afternoon.A.paper and pencil B、apples and banana C、milk and eggs D、bowl and spoons He is ( )boy that we all like him Asuch good a Bso good a Cso a good Dsuch good They're going to buy some food.问句是什么? A、B为同高度相距为L的两点,一橡皮筋的两端系在AB两点,怡好处于原长.将一质量为m的物体用光滑挂钩挂在橡皮筋的中点,物体静止时两段橡皮筋之间的夹角为60°.如果橡皮筋一直处于弹性限度 橡皮筋 内部拉力半径为R1的橡皮条,拉长后半径为R2,劲度系数为K,求橡皮筋内部拉力无法显示 试试用哪些方法能使一本书、一根橡皮筋、一把尺子发声? What did you find, 1. Jackie Chan is my f_____movie star 2. Peter is a s_____in Class Five 3. l have a pencil but ldon't have a k_____ 4. —l don't k_____the girl with big eyes.—Oh,she's my sister Lily 5. This is my mom,and this is my s____ 6. My what do you find? So lovely a boy _ _(他是) that all of us like him. what do you find对么