
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:16:43
成吉思汗建立的蒙古国是属于中国的吗? 硕鼠Touch与硕鼠Nano的区别 When do you want for your birthday怎么回答 When is your u__ birthday? 描写神态的四字词语 中国百家姓 英语问答题When is your birthday party?A:When is your birthday party?B1:My birthday party is october 1st.B2:My birthday party is on october 1st.B1、B2哪个正确?还是都对?C:When is your birthday?D1:My birthday is June 4th.D2:My birthday is 英语翻译Well I have all kinds and sizes of bananas.They are the best to taste in Australia.I would love to have a wife to share every thing with,as for a Chinesse wife,as long as she loved me as much as I loved her.Plus could understand some Engl 英语翻译 英语翻译Whoever welcomeshis friend with a smile,it’s as though he gave his friend the finest gifts inthe world 英语翻译If transport costs had been taken into consideration at the beginning ,the factory would have been built far from its present place 中国有哪些姓不常用? 求这篇诗经的意思?思乐泮水,薄采其芹.鲁侯戾止,言观其旂.其旂茷々,鸾声哕哕.无小无大,从公于迈.思乐泮水,薄采其藻.鲁侯戾止,其马蹻々.其马蹻々,其音昭昭.载色载笑,匪怒伊教.思乐泮水,薄 关于描写神态的四字词语谁知道?急求答案. 3个描写神态的四字词语快 清十三陵是谁的陵墓?原来一直以为是康熙第十三个儿子爱新觉罗 胤祥死后雍正为他建的陵墓,但百科上面说是从努尔哈赤到溥仪,皇家的十三个陵1永陵   2、福陵   3、昭陵   4、孝陵 明十三陵有哪个陵墓被开启了 十三陵是谁的陵墓吗? 抗美援朝是什么意思? 全校最常见的三个姓氏是什么 诗经 怎么理解诗经.读不懂. 最后一头战象中的神态的四字词语 描写神态的四字词语在《最后一头战象》最少写十个 稳定的反义词是什么啊? 固定的反义词 A.B两地相距30千米,小明以每小时4千米的速度从A地步行到B地.1小时后,小刚也从A地出发到B地,速度为每小时5千米,问小刚在到达B地的路上,能追上小明吗?用一元一次方程解,并说明理由,如果 读后感大全读《跛脚小苦鼠》有感 读后感100字大全 读后感1000字大全 “环游地球八十天读后感” 英文怎么说 请问大家知不知道《环游地球80天》如果要写短篇读后感要怎么写?最好是写出读后感,需要故事的一点点内容,带故事要告诉我们的道理,在写一点点读后感想.只要3、5行就可以了. 钢铁是怎样炼成的he 环游地球80天读后感600字左右 不要太多介绍文章内容的,要感悟!