
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 18:01:37
[英语]在河上钓鱼的人是on the river还是in the river?按理人坐在船上应该是on the river的呀是吗,求教 请用简便方式解答此题 设集合A={5,4^(a+3)},集合B={a,b},若A∩B={2},则A∪B=? Tom reads the book (one) a month 求,特别干净的英文歌特别干净的那种声音,特别特别好听的歌最好有下载地址,还有我听过黑色星期五,没劲,那些没劲的歌别给我 Helen and Nancy are going to play the piano tomorrow(改成疑问句) The heart that once truly loves never foegets这句是什么意思 _hard _ _which team will win很难预测哪个队能获胜 I'm ___ ____ her about which team will win我多希望我能像鸟儿一样在天空中飞翔翻译打错了,应该是:我在同她争论哪个队会赢 Can you predict that which team will win the match tomorrow搞错 Is Nancy going to play ________the concert?A on B at C in D of 王昌龄的出塞是什么意思快 唐·王昌龄《出塞》是什么意思?秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还.但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山. 王昌龄《出塞》的含义 王昌龄出塞这首诗的意思 Forever only loves you! 什么意思 That a 1n the heart pretends all is you,知道的请帮忙理解下,That a 1n the heart pretends all is you,,知道的请说下, 1.I was out of town at the time,so I don`t know exactly how it____.A.was happening B.happened C.happens D.happen2.John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather ___with them to school.A.took B.had taken C.were taking D.would take3.—Is 1.The 114 colorful clay warriors___at No.1 pit,___in hight from 1.8m to 2m,have black hair ,green,white or pink faces,and black or brown eyes.A.unearthed;ranging B.unearthing;ranging C.unearthed;ranged D.are unearthed;are ranging(A,求原因,句型 出塞 王昌龄 读了王昌龄的出塞,想像一下月圆之夜戌守边关的将士,眼望家乡的方向会想些什么 i want to say:you will regret that you leave me 英语选择题理由o(∩_∩)o____it____to rain tomorrow,the sports meet would be put off until the same time next week.A.Should;/ B.If;should C.If;were going D.Were;/ 八年级上册科学a本神奇的激素2答案! 8年级上科学作业本a第2节神奇的激素(二)答案 神奇的激素1、在公元4世纪,我国医书里就有用海藻防治当地地方性甲状腺肿的记载,这是因为海藻中含有碘,它是合成什么的必须成分( )A 甲状腺激素 B生长激素 C 胰岛素 D青霉素2、下列说法 八年级上册科学作业本A第三章第2节人体的激素调节答案!浙教版的! A heart that loves is always young.tx.hao311.com A heart that loves is always young. A heart that loves is always young语法通吗?内心有爱,永远年轻...那个修饰A heart 的从句该怎么解释 love不是及物动词吗?、、、 某厂今年的产值是去年产值的3倍少25万,今年和去年产值总和是75万,求今年该厂的产值?用方程 Don't cry because it's over,smile because it's ha ened!A heart that loves is always young`