
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:57:18
古诗翻译、扩展:纤纤擢素手,札札弄机杼 “纤纤擢素手”的下一句是什么? 为了早点到校,我每天五点起床._____ _____ ______ ______ early,i get up at five every day. ibt independent writing作文 你的看法?Most students studying abroad aim to learn more advanced knowledge,special skills and also to learn more about another culture.For that reason,the home-stay program provides these students an opportunity to 给我这篇新托福Independent writing评一下分可以吗?If there is only one thing he choose, that should be a car. Elimiate the high expenditurewhich the car will cost, choosing a car, in the contrast, equal to seral vacations and sharethe fun 过蒙拔擢的“过字”是什么意思啊啊啊? “拔擢”怎么念?什么意思? ________(organizations that make money by selling goods or services) on each side of the road supported us. I have no pen ______ .May I borrow yours?A.to write B.to write with He have hand carry back for me.under BRAND pls send cad for check.the toe inside can't not be too hard ,must be same as the revised sample 一( )眼( ) 括号里填什么? 眼( )手( ),括号里填什么?括号里必须是反义词哦~ Cargill,a family-owned agriculture business --- (top)last years Forbes ,magazine list of thelargest private companies in American.空格应该填top的什么形式, 在次数和时间词前面是不是要加for啊?还有阿,have gone/been to 后面能不能加一段时间呢?比如:I have been here for twice.用不用加for呢?还有一个疑问:have been to不是指“已经去过,现在回来了”吗? 【不解.】We need a person very much to think up such an idea.-(shall)the new engineer have a try为什么不能用may 两者都可以表示征求意见啊 我们都爱吃香蕉用英语怎么说 a motor home is ususlly owned by a family 意思 永远的同义词是什么?3Q A motor home is usually owned by a family with How is your family means father and mother求翻译 是你们家父母意味着什么么? 1现在完成时的定义 2……………的基本结构(省略号内容请单独问我) 1肯定式 2否定式 3一般疑问式及问答 3要回答的应该是这几个问题:1现在完成时的定义。2.have+V(名词)过去分词的基本 关于双重否定等于肯定的疑问!大多数情况下双重否定表示肯定,但我感觉还是有些双重否定句表示否定!比如某某因为不伟大,所以称不上伟人.因为你没有用心教,所以他没有学好.如果硬要说成 别人很肯定我的能力,可是我却怀疑别人在否定我的能力,是为什么啊? 关于否定和肯定我们知道,如果对方这么问你:Don't you like it?表示喜欢是Yes,i like it,(不,我喜欢)表示不喜欢是No,i don't like it(是的,我不喜欢).这个我已经知道.可我最近又想到了另外一个类似 We love every day中文什么意思 devil甚么意思 devil 是什么意思? 求英语短文一篇,题目是我的一天 abundant修饰可数还是不可数名词,谢谢 abundant怎么读 请问sufficient,ample,enough,abundant,adequate,plenty的具体区别? 晨风暮雨什么意思