
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:36:48
合适的近义词有哪些? My father reads the newspaper.疑问句 She goes to shool at 7"00疑问句和对时间提问 do,on,what,wednesday,do,you?连词成句 适合的近义词 never say die ... deliver the office tomorrow would be great的中文? She seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.尤其是 so small as she muscled many college students pay 800 to 1000 per year..per 是介词 能换成every吗 Marry ,can you stay for an hour?I must go to the shops.You will have tostay ,boys.用by加反身代词 Wastewater from factories polluted the river为什么用polluted why don't you go skating on sunday改为同义句 The river was so polluted that it actually caught fire and burned.翻译 解析 We are going to stay in the office for( )hour.A.a C./ D.several 请职业英语教师或专家 鉴别是否有 have a great fun ,有点老师说是固定的,请职业英语教师或专家 鉴别 不太清楚,请不要乱说,考试用可以吗?要书面用语,跟可数不可数有关吗? who is the best martial artist in china who is still alive? in pieces的同义词Waiting.好吧 整个题目是介样的:用简单的英语解释句子The glass broke in pieces. He studied the crowd of people making their way through the station.这是从句还是单句,为什么? live in 同义词谁知道live in 的同义词?要三个词的词组. 什么是表语,宾语 请举一个简单的例子 什么是表语?什么是系表结构?能不能举几个简单的例子说明一下? well in a nutshell 成长烦恼对白 in a nutshell是什么意思 who do youwant to talk to,( )or ( ) 是she,he还是her,him in a car的同义词组是什么 in a nutshell可以用于英语作文总结吗?是否太口语化? 电离方程式怎么写(高中要求)百度百科上的不太懂.老师说强电解质完全电离,盐、强酸、强碱都是.强电解质都是一步电离的.那么碳酸钠硫酸钠的写法我不太理解,他们不是盐吗 为什么有分 卡伽夫法则是什么?在高中考试里会大概出到些什么?不要百度百科里的一大段请用自己的话回答,要通俗一点的~ 希腊神话中的怪兽 我有个英语疑惑!就是读音!这个want的wanted和pollute的polluted,这一类以t 结尾的动词,教材上讲的读音是“以得”.但是我感觉很饶舌很累!可不可以读“滴特”顺口些?比如,王体得,改成王滴特,婆奴 You have not entered an email address that we recognize.Please try again or contact the administrator. Do you know he has a lot of regret,but he went in haste,he really love you,but there are many restrictions Many words could also not say me to you love有语法错误吗