
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:08:16
大学体验英语综合教程2课后单词哪里有?要文档和MP3,谢谢! 高二了英语很差怎么补上去 (1/2)就是英语拉了总成绩!我现在想提升上去,单词词汇大概有个几百个!简单句子看的懂!写作能力也很差,听力也听不 求新概念2的录音.要美音! 新概念美音第二册MP3 溶液中离子的计算某溶液含K离子、氯离子、硫酸根离子、铁离子四种离子,其中K离子、氯离子、铁离子的个数之比为5:2:3,则铁离子与硫酸根离子的个数比为( )A/1:2 B/1:3 C/3:5 D/2:3 杜牧描写春天的诗都有啥 初三化学怎样判断溶液中有大量的什么离子存在 英语从句简单题When I went into the office,I found that Maria was wearing the same shirt I had bought.what 与which之间选 有什么区别吗 是什么从句?谢 关于英语从句的题目解析A recent study showed how the temperature,______ water freezes,can be changed using electric charges.\x05A.at which \x05B.for which \x05C.in which \x05D.with whichA.at which \x05B.for which \x05C.in wh ① Do you still remember the days_____________we spend together in Australia?which不是有词组搭配--spend on 为啥不用on which呐 (=@__@=)?②The gardener was called to tell the way____________the poor dog had died.that我觉得where可以 求一道简单英语从句题,随便解释即可i know a,why adults eat more than childrenb,what is a calorie Liu Ying is not __ good at sports__ her sister.A,much than B.a little.thanC,as so D.so as He loves sports very much and is good at playing basketball.这句话对吗?我觉得是He loves sports very much and he is good at playing basketball. Fiona Diana Emma哪个比较好.我是94年金牛座的女生.想给自己起个英文名.是学服装设计的.性格宜动宜静.大家给点意见这三个哪个比较好.有什么含义.还有其他比较适合的么. She speaks ____Englishi.请问横线中应该添什么,A.very badly B.very well C.very much D.very good如为什么 英语看图填短文Mr.White went to 71_____for a trip last mouth .In London he stayed in a 72____.After he put down his bags ,he 73______out book of English grammar and began to 74_____the grammar rules.A few hours 75_____,he was sure that he could 有谁对安吉了解吗?安吉县的天荒坪抽水蓄能电站,普通游客可以进入吗?我是想去拍日全食,不知天荒坪抽水蓄能电站八点开不开放?附近有住宿的地方否?交通如何? 冰心繁星春水读后感 在线 赶快 不要抄袭 求原创 好的加分 英语从句选择题几道,1.The book can help ( ) wants to do the job.whoever 还是 no matter who2.The cases will be introduced to readers ( ) consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.where还是when还是which 一道英语从句的选择题 _____,the car stopped all at once .A Seeing a boy lying on the road B On seeing a boy sitting on the road C The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road D the driver had seen a boy standing on the road 可以分 翻译she is very strict with herself take it easy! 今天是我妈妈的生日?我该怎么发短信啊.今天是我妈妈的生日我该怎么发短信祝福她啊?帮帮忙. 今年是祖国母亲60岁生日,你想对她说些什么? 今天是我妈妈的生日但我不知道该怎么跟她说些什么好?太单调了吧 也很老土 如果你的妈妈今天过生日,你想对她说些什么?想帮她做些什么? 死去的妈妈生日了,要对她说什么话 阅读冰心写得《繁星春水》写一篇读后感.不少于600字按我要求做的,再提高悬赏100、绝不骗人! 一种长方体肥皂,它的长、宽、高分别是16vm、6cm、3cm,一箱装30块肥皂,请你为肥皂厂设计一种包装箱,要求如下:1.装箱时,面积相同的面要相互对接;2.包装箱是一个长方体;3.装入肥皂后不留 美丽的天津征文,800字左右,(马上上五年级了) 我能在百度学英语吗?我想学英语 六年级语文课堂作业本第十二课最后一题,要感受