
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:57:44
闰土就要离开了,鲁迅先生会和他怎样话别.要按这样的格式回答闰土:“我”:闰土:“我”: what do you think of 语法分析what do you think of the talk shows? 请分析一下这个句子的语法结构,是不是think of 可以跟名词作宾补? 我和闰土是怎样话别的 what do you think had happened to him. 这句话在语法上怎么用句 这到底是什么词 翻译:“they made a direct approach to the minister of education” 鲁迅猫狗鼠中的狗喻指什么人 even 句子是这样的”Bears are fierce and they eat meat,even people. 古字天咋写天天天天天怎么写 遮天 道经中的九个古字是什么内容? 什么是古文字 1.It's too bad that 2.She _____ the meeting.(括号里是填takes part in还是join)3.我希望他下周能及时来这里.I hope ____________________4.与其到外面爬山,倒不如我呆在家里.I _____ staying at home _____ going out to clim 以"春风"仿写句子 :啊,你——今人叹服的大自然,高明的魔法师,卓越的雕刻家! let me protect you,in the vicissitudes of life years上面的英文句子语法结构及词语运用正确吗?如不对,请纠正,这句话的中文本意是:让我来保护你,在沧沧的岁月里.或者直接帮我翻译一下, 《陈涉世家》第三段翻译,总结成一句话 谁能告诉我 you are my big potato 的引申意是什么?表面意思已经很清楚了,谁听说过这句话就来帮个忙吧,小弟在这里谢过了!~ 蚣怎么组词除了蜈蚣,公蜈蚣,母蜈蚣,大蜈蚣,小蜈蚣,花蜈蚣,毒蜈蚣.以外,再组一个词, 蜈字组词 蜈的组词要两个,两字的,不重复,10分钟内给我的加50分. 请问:nothing is without its drawbacks 电影《……ing〉里的一首歌曲 有句是you are my sunshine im your sunflower 在电抗器行业里,inductor,reactor,choke 三个有什么区别,好像都可以翻译成电抗器. 英语翻译大哥们,google翻译的我也知道,还有语句不通的就不要告诉我了。 英语翻译REACTORWASHING KETTLESM TANKPENTANE GAS TANKCENTRIFUGE(WT500)DRYING SYSTEMPURE WATER SYSTEMWASTE WATER SYSTEMAIR COMPRESS SYSTEMBOILER SYSTEMEPS WEIGHTING SYSTEM这是一客户需要的整套设备, 如何让语文变好具体一点 storm车是什么样子的 our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months.同意句转换把too to 换掉. He wanted to use a large box to carry all the balls ,but he couldn't .He __to carry all theHe wanted to use a large box to carry all the balls ,but he couldn't .He __to carry all the balls __a large box.保持句意不变 how to carry out the personal instruction sometimes in life you feel the fight is over.rise and fall.这句啥意思.求 To feel the life you have to feel about everything.You can't choose.转中文啊 rise to the challenge的同义词?(替换rise)