
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 21:43:55
联系句子,解释带点的词联系句子,你留我在家里歇,莫不是三更半夜要谋我财,害我命,却把大虫吓唬我?把:___________________________________________________________ Come and look my new curtains这句话哪儿错了? 联系句子解释词语.1.妈妈看中了一件衣服,无论质地、色彩还是款式,都无可挑剔,美中不足的是型号稍小,不太合身.(美中不足 加点)“美”指—————————:“不足”指—————— my new curtains,look at,come,and如何连词组句? 国王、王后 用英文翻译应该怎么说? 王后用英语怎么说 王后英语怎么说 今天做我的王后用英语怎么说 大学英语四级听力最后一题的那个听写句子的那个这么做?每次做四级听力最后一题的那个听写句子都跟不上,感觉太长,听了三遍写不下来.有经验的学长学姐们,欢迎交流经验. 英语四级听力听写句子怎么给分儿?1.如果整句对了只是少个s多个ed什么的还扣分儿吗?2.如果没写出完整的句子可有半句是全对的(半句中的关键词也对了)是给一分儿还是只要句子不完整就 英语四级听力中听写句子怎么听写我是第一遍听意思,第二遍把中文意思写出来,再翻译.我感觉光记英文句子很容易漏记,英语句子每次在想中文意思的时候听力已经播过去了~有点郁闷,能根 CET4中听力里的听写句子必须要全部听写出来才能得分吗是不是写一半仍没分 请高手们解释下列句子中带点词语的意思.士不可以不弘毅.(弘毅的意思) 求女子英文名 跟名字发音接近的求一女子英文名 跟名字发音接近的 名字:艺 (当然不能取E当名字了哈)要求 跟名字接近的最好是E或Y开头 B也可以不要那种很多人都叫的 总能听见重名的 The population of this city_________ (be) about 5000000In that country,45% of the population ______ (live) in rural areas. 四级复合式听写只听到几个重点的单词,单一写写下来有分吗?还是要写出完整结构的句子? 四级复合式听写长句不完整给分吗? 同义句转换:To get up early is a good habit._____ is a good habit ____ ____ ____ early. lt is a good habit to go to --- bed early and get up earlya\ ab\ anc\ thed\ / it is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early的翻译 To get up early is good habit.(同意就转换) ____is a good habit____ ____ ____ early. 2011年北京卷高考题 几道单选题求解析!谢谢、21.Experiments of this kind in both.21.Experiments of this kind in both the U.S.and Europe well before the Second World War.A.have conducted \x09B.have been conductedC.had conducte This kind of new medicine acts well ____ the lunga、onb、toc、againstd、in Early to bed early to rise make a man healthywealthy and wist 什么意思 early to bed and early to rise____you healthy.A:makesB:makeC:madeD:to make 1.More than 40 percent of the population in that city ___ workers. It is estimated that more than 60 percent of Toronto's population trace their roots It is estimated that more than 60 percent of Toronto's population trace their roots to countries other than Britain The population of shanghai is ____than that of shenyang A.larger B.smaller C.fewer D.more能选A的也应该能选B 新六级听力的错误题数(不包括听写句子单词)控制在多少个比较合适? 怎么样对付四级听力的长句听写?句子太长了我老是记不住. 是this kind of apple还是 this kind of apples? men of this kind和this kind of men谁是主语,谁修饰谁?