
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 15:54:11
because they can hear and w____ at the same t____. we can ( )the world at the same time如果有知道的能不能传一下新疆少年出版社八年级英语寒假快乐假期的参考答案,老师要改,可是学的太差,用参考答案对一下……有不懂的还可以问嘛……拜托啦~它 英语翻译literal effective vague explicit subtle tendency dominate confident opposite reputation keen out of aware of work out engage in look forward to1.Business has been showing a_to have improved in the first two seasons 2.If the consumers have 英语翻译Homer 这是我找到的单词,我在用这个(Homer )翻译出来怎么是荷马? 《史记》英文叫什么,列传,世家等又怎么翻译? ”français”怎么用français作形容词该怎么用,是放在名词前面还是后面?”这是一首法语的歌”C'est une ____ chanson ___? 英语填空:I hear they________(marry) in one month.速回~in one month用于什么时态? 晏子使楚 1.楚王侮辱晏子时的神态词语有 晏子从容对楚王时的神态有 写鲁迅的对联另外再对一下这个联;风和日丽,粒粒皆辛苦 描写鲁迅的对联 写鲁迅精神的对联 出门之前你应该对爸爸妈妈说再见.You should _______ ________ ______ your parents before you go out. It is 11:pm.you should say ( )to your parents this film is________that oneA less wonderful thanB so wonderful as用as wonderful as可以吗 there are some photos of me and my sister XiaoLi,这里为什么要用me? 选择填空 His mothermade him --- the floor every day A sweep B to sweep Csweeping D sweeps1.His mothermade him --- the floor every dayA sweep B to sweep Csweeping D sweeps2.I can,t go with you tonight --- I have homework to do .A before B after C Have a great time and please write to me and send me some photos!下一句是... There are many beautiful floeers on___side of the streetA:all B:both C:cach D:every 从《风筝》的感悟中 请写出一幅能概括鲁迅精神的对联 请你就其意义写一句凝练的主题语.并且写出一副能概括鲁迅精神的对联.班里准备举办一次“阅读鲁迅,追寻鲁迅”的主题活动,请你积极参与 地理:城市化过程中产生的问题? We sweep the flow every day.这句话的被动语态是什么?越快越好! go to the grass and eat it 城市化可能造成的问题有( )①城市环境污染,交通拥挤 ②农村劳动力减少,农业产值下降 ③城市住房困难,失业人口增加 ④农村人口增长速度减缓,出现负增长A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.② never been happier what a beautiful day是不是感叹句? 怎样判定材料说的是不是矛盾的观点 脾字共有几画 at the door 是状语吗 否定词加比较级表示最高级的例句 It couldn‘t be simpler怎么解释?是属于否定词加比较级 等于最高级的用法吗? 什么是水陆两栖的汽车