
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 10:53:23
lose no time 在歌曲《one last chance》中有句歌词是I can't lose no more time.这语法是正确的吗?还是怎样?不应该是not……any more=no more吗?那这句应该是I can lose no more time或I can't lose any more time吧 he lost no time in picking it up 翠绿色加黄色的蛇有毒吗? NO one even lives lost nor will I hello,may l speak to jane 的下一句 I really had a hard time with history. 蛇 土黄色 黑斑点 这是什么品种?有毒吗 Time is not in a sandglass who can turn it 黄蛇带黑点的有毒吗 The same can not withstand the ravages of time,emotion,to the time it will cool it 's not time I can’t be ready for the trip on time and without wearing myself out. 我问王教授为什么那么博学,他指着满柜的书说:“(古诗),.是知识充实了我的大脑.” 把自己的大脑当成草地,任别人的思想如马蹄一般践踏 还有多好的书也不是供香客朝拜的祭祀物. 求几本.对开发大脑有帮助的书籍.(意见,谢绝摘抄) 希望大家能给出的意见.最好是自己看过滴!在此感谢大家. after did sth.和after doing sth.有什么区别? after doing s.th还是after do s.th?在书上看到两句话:1、After listening to it2、After they listen to it为什么一个是 doing s.th 一个是do s.th? 谁认识外国人翻译个人陈述吗? These patients need looking after.need 是to do sth.为什么这句话是doing.是省略了to be,还是looking after是动名词? 怎样进行自信训练 来提高自己的气质 Let's have some ice-cteam,OK?改为同义句 有智慧的人,总是把嘴巴放在心里,而愚昧之人反而把心放在嘴巴里!为什么人都这么说,这个是真的吗?大家说说自己的看法,顺便说说理由.其实这些我也知道.我就是觉得我这个人喝了酒过后话 I am getting a braided bosal ready now to ship to Aus.I am getting a braided bosal ready now to ship to Austria – I hope I don’t have any problems with that shipment. 介词+sb后面+to do 还是doing?如after sb() try to do和 try doing,a little of,how many,look after 造句hely sb do sth,heip sb to do sth ,help sb with造句快,急用啊,每个词组一小句话就行了, after you try to do和try doing有什么区别? all the way; after all; above all; mean to do;mean doing 造句, we have some strawberries.改为LET开头的祈使句 帮忙分析两个简单英语句子的句子成分You must pay good attention to your pronunciation.To do today's homework without the teacher;s help is very difficult. 简单英语句子分析Also by using the internet,more old people can study nesw things or get latest news without having to go to the library or buy a newspaper,请问 Also 此处是连词吗,还有Also by using the internet是介词短语做条件 The suitcase is ____ light.I think I can carry it.A.rather B.fairlyC.enough D.quite a(rather 与 fairly 的用法有什么区别?) 87.135