
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:02:34
The post office is next to the park.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) where is the park?_____ nest to the post office.A.there's B.that is C.this's D.it's 送人归京师中子规的意象含义诗中最后两句是否矛盾?为什么 描写水蜜桃肉的精美语句! 6.一台空调的价钱是电视机的3倍,学校买了一台空调和4台电视机共用8400元,一台电视机各是多少元?并列方并列方程, 数学问题解答:国美电器六月份共销售空调960台,彩电销售比空百分之五十多 4台,六月份共销售彩电多少台? 从全诗来看,汪国真滴 汪国真《山高路远》一道题!如果将诗句“双脚磨破\干脆再让夕阳涂抹小路\双手划烂\索性就让荆棘变成杜鹃”改为“再艰难的道路\我也不害怕” 好不好?为什么? _______what time do you begin work every day?A:To b:For c:At d:Of 请问选什么,解析下 Can you explain the problem to me?It is not within you _____A.range B.reach A与B有什么不同吗? Martin refused___the matter A.explain B.explaining C.to explain D.explains 求详解 It's the third time that I_____(explain)the problem to you Could you help to solve and explain the problem?After circling around the earth for 3 days,Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that ____ as scheduled the next day.A.it land B.it lands 一家商店将某型号空调先按成本价提高40%标价,再以八折出售,获利300元.则每台空调的成本价是多少? 商店打"八五折"出售一种空调机原价便宜300元,这种空调机原价多少元?急 山高路远→汪国真 这个诗歌用了什么修辞手法,有什么效果 偿付的英文R/A是什么单词的缩写amdowit,为什么Receive/Acknowledge要翻译成偿付呢? R&A,T&C分别是哪两个单词的缩写? The students stopped______(talk)when the teacher came in. When the teacher entered the classroom,he found the students already ___.A.seatingB.seatedC.sitD.sits. When the teacher came in,he found all the students_____(read).答案were reading ,为什么不能用reading When the teacher came in ,the students stopped ______(talk ) The.teacher.said.to his student:“Come.up.to.my.office!"改为间接引语 "Please come here again tomorrow ",the teacher said to the student.改为间接引语? 怎样的人生才有意义?人生哲理读不来,做不到。就想和自己身边人、喜欢人、知心朋友不分开,或许这样才会觉得有意义吧.... XO是白兰酒几年的?XO是英文什么的缩写? The teacher said to the student,"I will can you tomorrow."将句子从直接引语变成间接引语. _____(come) to the teacher's office,Joe. The teacher told his student to go to hia office.间接引语改为直接引语 写一篇感恩的作文,今年是共产党建党90周年,辛亥革命100周年.以感恩为主题的第七届青少年书信文化比赛.要自己写的哈 .不要吵的哈 .Thank you 求一篇主题为“颂歌献给党”的文章,字数2000多.关于建党90周年,辛亥革命100. 世界上第一台计算机的特点是哪些?