
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:32:25
新加坡教科书使用汉字书写还是英文书写. 现在的韩国人会写汉字么?,他们平时有写汉字的吗? 汉字编写的古诗有什么书 the boy arrived home____(find) only the door locked适当形式填空 She went to the market,______ eggs and returned home.C.bought two dozen D.to buy two dozen of 1.On returning home ,she found note --- to the door,reading “call in later”A.attaching B.attached C.attach D.attaches2.To keep the town clean,the truck-----garbage is prevented-------entering the town.A.loaded with;fromB.loading with;fromC.lo 答对绝对有一百分以上,发誓绝对给你.急如图,一艘货轮向正北方向航行,在点A处测得灯塔M在北偏西30°,货轮以每小时20海里的速度航行,1小时后到达B处,测得灯塔M在北偏西45°,问该货轮到达灯 only when it is raining heavily will he stay at home and exercise will he?我问的是为什么是will he 忘记隔行了 I am only stay at home .这句话表达对吗? Only when class began_____that he had left his book at home.A.will he realizedB.he did realizeC.did he realizeD.should he realize为什么要用did he realize如果不是倒装那语序应该是he did realize,感觉好奇怪 答对有奖,请你判断BE+CF与EF的大小关系,并说明理由. 初二数学5道题!答对有分!下面是初二下学期关于不等式的5道题,帮帮忙!急啊!1.若ax-a≤o的解是x≤1,则a的取值范围是:2.求满足 (3x-2)÷3 - (9-2x)÷3 的值不小于代数式(x+2)÷2的值的x的最小 答对要加多少分都行!或许有些看不清,我写一写:B=x²+5x-1C=2x³-10x²+51x-259D=2x^5(2x的五次方)-x³+6x²-3x+1 he got extremely excited when he heard the good news,_______he jumped for joy.A.in the case that B.in case that C.in that case D.in which case答案是D,请各位大神解释下原因吧~ all students jumped with joy r----------- when they heard the good news 初一数学 会的快 要过程 过程! 初一数学,要有过程--,谢谢了,快! 初一数学题,具体过程,快···证明:(10a+c)(10b+c)=100(ab+c)+c^2,其中a+b=5还有一个题:边长为a的正方形,其边长减少b以后,所得较小正方形的面积比原正方形的面积减少了多少?请你列出相关代 秦可卿死前为什么只给凤姐托梦 The teacher looked ——at the students when he heard the good news A happy B hapilytell me the reason 红楼梦 第十三回秦可卿托梦于凤姐,请简要概括秦氏临死前对凤姐提的两点建议. when we heard the good news,we felt______.A.happy B.well C.good D.happily 为什么不是happily 王熙凤在大观园月夜感幽魂,照红楼梦第十三回秦可卿托梦于她.请简要概括秦可卿临死前对王熙凤提的两点建议! I felt happy(画线) when I heard the good news.(对画线部分提问)______did you ______when you heard the good news? 秦可卿临死时托梦送给王熙凤的两句话是什么 When he he heard the news ,he felt( )A,happily B.sadly c.happy D.bad.请说说为什么 His car broke down when he was only____ home.A.half way to B.half wayC.a half way D.half a way 选C和D不是也有一半回家路的意思? 介词The traffic is very buys when peop;e go to or come home ( )work 先阅读理解下面例题,再按要求完成下列问题例;解不等式(x-2)(x+1)>0解;由有理数的乘法法则“两数相乘,同号得正”,有(1).{x-2>0,x+1>0}(2){x-22或x (1)9x的平方-25y的平方 (2)m的平方-121(3)x的平方-4y的平方 (4)-1/9m的平方+4/49n的平方(5)a的5次方-16ab的四次 (6) (2x-1)的平方-(x+1)的平方 THe Smiths are watching TV now 改为同义句___ ___ ___are watching TV now the greens are watching tv now.同义 ( )( )( )are watching tv now