
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:49:00
英语选择题有关what is nowScientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and ----- more than 10000 years ago.为什么是选what is now Alaska而不是Alaska is now? it is never too late to 一道英语选择题______amazing the Disney film Frozen is A)How B)What C)What a D)What an 我要的是解题思路不是光光的答案. _______ happy life the old man is living.A.How B.How a C.What D.What a Your love is never present,my mind is always late. 庆祝建国60周年“我与祖国共奋进”可以写散文,诗歌,小小说,小故事,都行的,我老婆是医院的护士,她们医院布置的,以“我与祖国共奋进”为主题,以爱国爱院爱岗为中心,围绕“家”的概念,歌 everybody was looking for you when the meeting was over.you ____ without a word.A mustn't leave B shouldn't have left C couldn't have left D needn't leave on the weekend小作文第一人称...50字.随便你写什么... On the weekend作文用过去式写六年级水平. 灯 暗了也无法照亮黑夜 是什么歌啊 黑夜黑夜星光照亮黑夜是什么歌啊 歌词"有黑夜的黑"是什么歌名? the students are on the playground 对 on the playground 提问 求助!两道高一英语句型转换1.Our business is at an important point in its development:If this deal succeeds,our future will be fine;if not ,we shall be bankrupt.Our business is ()()():If this deal succeeds,our future will be f 提手加个缀去掉绞丝旁怎么组词 He watched TV and cleaed the room yesterday 改为一般疑问句 请问读职校英语用不用过级 读高职学英语有前途没? 将下列直接引语改成间接引语1."Could you please do some shopping for me?"She said to him.2.Tom said to me,"Don't forget to turn off the light."3."Why not go and ask the teacher for help?"said my mother.4.John said,"Can you understand me,Ma photo的近义词是什么? photo的近义词 photo近义词写出phtot的近义词 picture的近义词是什么急 picture的近义词 职高英语应当怎么学? 帮忙写一篇关于出国度假的英语作文可以包括以下内容:1 .如何选择某一个国家.2 .你为什么愿意去国外度假.3 .优点和缺点.4 .你会怎样做在该国. 学商务英语的职高生应该自己学点什么? 职业高中的英语课讲什么呢 求一篇度假英语作文:Lucy从上海到我(Mary)家,先乘火车,然后乘计程车,到我家(xxx),每天都能步行去公园玩.(60词) Her brother ___ here for four weeks.a.has been b.has been to c.has come d.has been in What is matter with him?怎么回答 docotor matter what him with is the怎样连成一句话