
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:50:39
问日期时,答语是节日,是what's The date还是what day is Today?问日期时,答语是节日,是what's The date还是what day it is Today?.比如 答语是:April Fool's Day 问句是表示日期还是what day is Today 中国共产党在中国革命中战胜敌人的“主要法宝”有a、群众路线 b、统一战线 c、 d、武装斗争 e、独立自主 f、党的建设 中国共产党在革命中战胜敌人的三大法宝是在下列哪部著作中提出? 中共革命战争中战胜敌人的三大法宝 玄学有科学依据吗?能否相信其内容 玄学是否蕴含着某些科学道理? The mother also would hug and kiss David as if to make up for ____ she was drunk.that when,答案是when,但是我觉得不缺少成分,应该是that啊. 要算式的 答案我有、求算式 I woud hug you if my arms neren'r so nusbly是神马意思呢. cry in my arms 和cry in my hug的区别 If I weren't so nice, I would blacken his eyes.这里的blacken his eyes是把他打得鼻青脸肿吗? Blind Dumb Deaf 歌词 bec高级写作部分应该如何准备? 2010年12月bec中级写作部分写错了可不可以用透明胶撕掉啊?可是整个考场里好多人用透明胶撕!而且有个同学在阅读部分签名用水笔写了,监考老师说用透明胶撕掉,再用铅笔写!纠结! 求电影的英文剧本或字幕求电影(America from Freedom to Fascism) 的英文剧本或字幕,一定要英文的!本片的通用译名为,不过我觉得更加准确 在井下6米处有一只蜗牛向上爬,蜗牛一小时向上爬3米,又向下滑2米,接着,又向上在井下6米处有一只蜗牛向上爬,蜗牛一小时向上爬3米,又向下滑2米,接着,又向上爬,又下滑,按此规律,几 记得要有算式, 记得列算式 记得列出算式谢谢 (记得要算式)1 从甲地到乙地甲车要4小时,乙车要三小时,乙车每小时比甲车多行全程的几分之几?如果辆车从甲 乙两地同时相向开出几小时相遇?2 甲 乙两个打字员和打一份稿件,完成时,甲打 “今天我玩得非常开心”这句英文怎么说? 蜗牛是如何在水里爬行的? 高口笔试198,考BEC如何?如题,六级也考了600多,不了解BEC,想多快好省的考,怎样复习呢 give you freedom moun 英语翻译2、reduces the size of dark wood"capped"areas3、removes the cut-in detail at the front cap4、caps are flush and the same thickness as the main body 英语翻译These Boots are Made for WalkingYou keep saying you've got something for me.something you call love,but confess.You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been a messin'and now someone else is gettin' all your best.These boots are made She ( )see,and she ( )hear lasShe ( )see,and she ( )hear last year.A:couldn't /can't.B:couldn't /couldn't .C;can't /can't. she was a student变否定句 sam cou't see and hear.(否定句) she can not see and can not hear改成she can什么 see 什么hear. she could not see and hear because it was too far.a后面天什么词啊 西瓜怎么判断熟了?