
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:33:44
帮我做个选择题:I came to changsha in 1999( )I have been engaged in this workA.when B.during which C.since then D.since when注明解法 —Would you like to have some milk?—Thank you,but just_____A.few B.a few C.little D.a little All the things in my heart was you since I have fallen in love with you.是甚麽意思? 耶稣的十二个门徒是谁?他们是怎么死的? 2013年青岛大学英语翻译硕士笔译复试考什么? 跪求青岛大学英语翻译硕士复试分数线往年多少,录取比例,复试形式,今年考了410不知能不能被录取 深圳大学有英语翻译口译硕士吗 英语 用所给词适当形式填空 He is not here.He ---- to the post office(go) he says"who will take you to the office"变为间接英语 do u have a supper和have u had ur supper哪个对啊? How many cars will be there in Beijing next year?与 How many cars will there be in Beijing next ye哪个更正确?为什么第一个句子不可以? There will be many green trees in our city soon的many用什么形式 they are s________ the woods for a lost child根据首字母提示写单词及翻译 The Smiths went to the country for the weekend as they___to the officeA needn't have goneB musn't goC may not goD didn't have to go it just onehundred,i have money from my friends什么意思 Whether to keep the money you have found or to turn it over to the police is a moral question.翻译 1)I have some white paper.(否定句)按要求完成题目. 她更活跃,而我更文静. She`s more __,and I`m __. She is more outgoing,and I am quiter.(改为同义句) We are______ ______ ______. 我结婚4个月,现在不过了,结婚的时候没领结婚证,我俩是真的不合适,都给双方家长说过了,但是所以人都说我不对,都用异样的眼光看我,我不想在乎别人的看法,但是所有人都那样看我多少有点 全反射,我不知道自己错在哪里?要是根据折射率的公式去推导:n=sini/sini',其中i为入射角i'为折射角,那么全反射公式推出来不应该是:n=sinc/sin90其中c为临界角不就得出n=sinc吗?我知道不对请老 但我不知道B错在哪里了?8.图中种群在理想环境中呈“J”型曲线增长(如甲);在有环境阻力条件下呈“S”型曲线增长(如乙),下列有关种群增长曲线的叙述正确的是 A.环境阻力对种群 5.根据下列已知条件,能惟一画出△ABC的是(  )A.AB=3,BC=4,CA=8    B.AB=4,BC=3,∠A=30° C.∠A=60°,∠B=45°,AB=4   D.∠C=90°,AB=6 为什么 我不知道自己的定位是在哪里,怎吗给自己定位? I think this computer game is ____ to play.A enough easyB easy enoughC enough easilyD easily enough we need five persons______(play)this game.用所给词的恰当形式填空 For the life of ease in should not have love have a talk 后面加什么介词with还是to Life time have have a impression 后面的介词加什么 根据下列条件,能画出唯一△ABC的是()A.AB=3,BC=3,AC=8B.AB=4,BC=3,∠A=30°C.AB=5,AC=6,∠A=45°D.∠A=30°,∠B=60°,∠=90° I have a problem_____ my English study.用适当的介词或副词填空