
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 13:28:58
1.You'd better ___ ___ us ____ for so long 你最好别让我们等那么长时间2.His mother is going to ___ ___(开始)a good hobby in cokking 1.-How do you like that flim we watched yesteRDAY?-sorry,What is that?I_____(think) about something else.2.西蒙在上学途中帮助一位盲人过马路.Simon helped a blind man _____ _____ _____ _____ on his way to school. 1.I _____ in front of an audience.I am a teacher.A.used to speak B.am used to speaking2.I __________ study at a school for the blind,but now,I __________ my new school.(用be used to或used to填空) 急求bec第三辑听力材料,zhangxxxue@sina.com,多谢 求BEC中级第四集听力MP3格式.有的请发到tingting0927@sina.cn.谢谢啦. 山海经里一共有多少篇神话故事?名字叫什么? 《山海经》里有哪些神话故事(名字),求3个! What you can do is wait what i can do for you is just keeping you 山海经一份急求急求山海经白话文一份,txt最好.发送至170985943 @ q q. “It is not a matter of what you want,it's a matter of what you do.”“It is not a matter of what you want,it's a matter of what you do. Maybe-not-find-true怎么翻译 关于山海经中的位置《山海经》中的南山、西山、北山、东山、中山之首都是指的我国现今的大概哪个地方呢?不然以这些为基准东西南北多少里的, 山海经中的两个故事 英语题目不会.请大神回答 救命啊 Help!. 救命啊 Help!.ku 上海哪家书店有买教辅书上海哪家书店买初中辅导书比较全? 南京市教辅书店最多的是什么地方 The fish smelt _______(bad)than anything else.Though he is young ,he is as _____(forget)as an old man.I don't think it was done by a child.It's _______(possible) 谁来帮我解答初中标点修改病句修改?求正解!病句修改:1、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( ) A、学生写作文切忌不要胡编乱造. B、刘翔这个名字对中国人都很熟悉 谁告诉我亚里士多德的生平?越多越好! 介绍一下亚里士多德和他的主要成就 亚里士多德的生平...分别是哪些领域的?.被后人推翻了的观点?说:“我爱我师,但我更爱真理”的是不是他。说世间万物都是由四种基本元素组成的是不是他? 英籍华人是什么意思 请问大家有什么好的进一步提高英语水平的办法?我过了六级,四级优秀,但自认为英语学得不是很好,尤其是写作和口语.请提供一些具体的方法。要是好的话。 两道初二英语在线求解1.He___(delete)my name from the listen minutes ago2.We have ___(guest) staying this weekend 古籍里的各种神仙!谁知道 He looked to his left,and then 介词 his right,but saw nobady.填什么介词? then 前不加介词吗?如how is the deer then meet the wolf. 英语翻译 1.I love sports shows.What about you?____ A.I did,too B.I do,too C.I also D.I too2.The old man doesn't ___ other's ideas.He wears colorful clothes.A.stand B.agree C.mind D.decide