
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 03:25:08
how often do you go to the cinema?what do you do?回答 急 将to,how,you,often,go,cinema,do,the这几个词语连成一句句子 how,do,you,often,the,go,cinema,to,连词成句 He asked me,“How often do you go to the cinema?”改为直接引语 不定积分的漏洞:∫(x²)′dx²=?1、令u=x²,则原式=∫u′du=u,即结果等于u=x² 2、原 为什么要把黄河比作母亲河 The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From t 被称为“国际会议之都”的城市是? 被称为国际会议之都的城市是 被称为“国际会议之都”的哪个城市? .被称为“国际会议之都”的城市是:(低级题)   A.日内瓦 B.华盛顿 托福口语怎么训练?说具体点 英语翻译doubles在这 是什么意思啊 为什么what is wrong with my brother 是陈述句语序? 初三课改版7单元英语课文.online shopping 翻译 醉西游答题活动,题目:猫在哪个国家内受到严格保护?正确答案是什么? 世界上哪个城市的猫最多?是伦敦还是巴黎? 醉西游答题活动,猫用什么方式洗脸?正确答案是什么? 找错 Who find it just now?我想应该是who found it...但是特殊疑问句不是由疑问词加一般疑问句语序吗?我解释不了, 世界上以下哪个城市猫最多?A.伦敦 B.巴黎 He wait for you three hours ago这句话哪里错了快 What's ______ (wrong\matter) with your watch?选择合适的单词 单句改错2.What's the wrong with your watch?翻译句子.指出错在哪?为什么错? what wrong with your watch换成what wrong of your watch可不可以? 甲乙两水库甲存水1,5亿立方米乙库存1,2亿立方米,从乙库调多少水到甲库才使甲是乙的2倍? 甲仓库存粮的3/4正好是乙仓库存粮的2/5,以知乙仓库存粮1200吨,甲仓库存粮多少吨?(请用方程解) 醉西游答题活动,题目:印度的国鸟是:正确答案是什么? Just now the baby【 】.And now he【 】.What makes him【 (哭)空应该填什么? i'll wait here___ she comes back.A since B until C while D because 水库共有6个相同的泄水阀,在上游不注水的情况下,打开一个水阀泄洪,水库水位以A米/小时匀速下降.在汛期,上游的洪水在未开泄洪阀的情况下,使水位以B米/小时匀速上升,当水库水位超过警戒 We had to stop _______ (climb) because it's dark.They fought _______ (brave) against the enemy to the last drop pf blood.He was _______ (tell) that his beautiful wife had been seize by the Trojians.The Olympic Games stared its first items in ____ 要一篇英语作文,我最擅长的事情