
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:03:23
The Smiths has been in China for___.He has been to Shanghai__.填上some times或some time如上 1.__ are you going to the beach?By air A.how Bwhere C.what D.when 2.i __to the bus stop every dayA.by bike B.by my bike C.ride bikes D.ride my bike3.__do you__the sernice in that restaurant?very goodA.what,like B.How,think of C.what,think of D.how th We are going to meet (at the bus stop.)对括号内提问 宋朝、辽朝、金朝、西夏、喀喇汗国、吐蕃、大理,共同组成了“中国”,这个说法对么? 蒙古灭金,蒙古灭西辽,蒙古灭吐蕃,蒙古灭西夏,蒙古灭喀喇汗,蒙古灭大理,蒙古灭南宋,蒙古人好厉害! 宋朝、辽国、喀喇汗国、吐蕃,这四个国家共同组成了“中国”, 求一句英语句型the students were busy with their homework when the teacher came in.保持原意the students were_________ __________their homework wen te teacher came in. 英语句型一句who do you like for ……………………这个句型后面直接可接一个句子吗?如果不能又该怎么用呢? 这句英语句型改变怎么做?He found that watching cartoons was interesting.(保持愿意不变)He found ------------- interesting-----------watchcartoons.每格限填一词 谁能帮我分析一下这句英语的句型~Classical is something not fade,but grow more precious with time pass by,so is dream. it is believed without expection that young people are wrong It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized It is commonly that…这样一个一个翻译.准确翻译,请勿出错.19号关闭8月12号之前回答对加20分 near ear pear 这三个单词的ear哪个单词的读音不同急,求求各位朋友.请说明原因,要正确的答案. near pear year dear 中的ear读音不同的单词是哪个? 我国东北是古代灭南北宋朝的金国吗?或者是辽国 金国和蒙古什么关系?后来金国和蒙古军队交战过吗?谁赢了我看地图 为什么蒙古---东北地区这一大片都叫 辽国 蒙古和东北后来叫辽国?在南 元(蒙古)灭南宋、吐蕃、西辽、西夏、金、大理的先后顺序是什么? She goes to school (by bus) 对画线部分提问哥哥姐姐帮帮忙 Some people find exam time so bad that they become ill some people find exam times so bad that they become ill 宋朝是抗金还是抗辽 I'm going to _ to Beijing.A.by plane B.take a plane C.on plane D.take plane 为什么宋朝打不过辽和金?宋朝人口是他们的百倍经济是他们千万倍科技何止百倍! I’m going to _________ a plane to Shanghai .A.by B.sit C.take 要理由 急 宋朝对金辽自称什么 I"m going to take a 宋朝是被蒙古那个小民族给灭了? 如果有缘就会在一起用英语怎么说 如果我会说英语,我当时就会清楚的表达我的意见用英语怎么说 “如果锻炼较少,她就会不健康”用英语怎么说?If she gets _____ ______,she _______ be healthy.如果锻炼较少,她就会不健康根据汉语意思填空 找一首英文歌曲 开头是 how many time...ask...找一首歌曲 开头是 how many time.ask.挺长的听不清楚是英文的,好像有几个人合唱, 英文歌my my my time time time why why whyrt,歌词只记得一点.请音乐达人为我解答下! 请问蒙古攻打金朝时候如果南宋联合西夏,高丽还有吐蕃乘势而起能不能灭掉金国?