
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 07:32:21
__(he) is blue and white. Hello,everyone.The bus is leaving in a few minute So I'd just like go over some of our safe rules bHello,everyone.The bus is leaving in a few minute So I'd just like go over some of our safe rules before we set off.Firstly,you mustn't get out of the form action="#" $(".form").html(str);什么意思 I need some money to buy____for my mother on Mother`s Day. I would like to forget some things, too tired.I just want her well什么意思? I like to go to the store to buy some things.同义句转换I like _____ ______.是不是I like going shopping. MARKET CITY怎么样 It's a pretty city ____ a fantastic flower market中间填什么? 法律的基本特征是什么?急要 GRE数学题:xy-plane中谁是纵坐标?(1)茹体哈,x为纵坐标吗?(2)median是怎么算呢?看到好多题都有要算median的,但貌似不懂怎么算哈(3)昨天遇到一道题其中有一句:x increase by 5,------------------- 桥梁有三大基本特征 what is the slope of AB 意思求这个句子的意思 是AB的什么? 澳大利亚的city circle一天有几班呢,是全天的吗? find the slope of a line segment perpendicular to a segment with the given slope有人知道这是什么意思么···a) 2/3 一元一次方程 题型高速钢 Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve at the given point.y = sin 7x + sin2 7x,(0,0)y = sin(7x) + sin^2(7x),(0,0)求方程在(0,0)点的切线方程y= 人的头部性状在三大人种之间有哪些主要的差异 一元一次方程顺流逆流题型一船从甲地到乙地顺流而下要16时,原路返回要24小时,一直水流速度是3km/时,求甲乙地的距离(解设,列方程,) Area Marketing “城镇营业部”的英文是? 迪拜的Mirdif City Centre什么样? 隧道高位消防水池设置高度如何确定?有什么规范要求?就是消防水池底高程和隧道路面高程要求多大的高差? 数学题What is they-intercept of the line tangent to the circle x²+y这是网友给的答案和解题的图片.求问切线AB的斜率怎么算?数字是怎么出来的?过圆X²+ Y²= 1的切点P(3/5,4 / 5)的切线AB在Y轴上 What is the slope of the line whose function f satisfies f(-2)=1 and f(5)=-10? 如图甲所示,水平面上的两光滑金属导轨平行固定放置,间距d=0.5m,电阻不计,左端通过导线与阻值R=2Ω的电阻连接,右端通过导线与阻值RL=4Ω的小灯泡L连接.在CDEF矩形区域内有竖直向上的匀强磁 高中理科辅导书什么最好(要有重点或易错题或经典题型)不是要练习册,是辅导书。 Sorry about that 的中文 急求人教版九上数学或物理一二单元重点习题,易错题,易考题.要经典的~给得分还比较很多,如果给的题好, 增韧剂属于增塑剂还是改性剂 哪里用混凝土搅拌车? 单选题 We all feel sorry for _____ for so long after your arrival.1.keep you wait 如图所示,两平行的光滑金属导轨安装在一光滑绝缘斜面上,导轨间距为l、 足够长且电阻忽略不计,导如图所示,两平行的光滑金属导轨安装在一光滑绝缘斜面上,导轨间距为l、 足够长且电阻忽