
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:22:27
to regain their----after a hard game,the players lay on the grass A force B energy C power D health 补全对话Are you ( )studying English?I go to ( )evening school now. We might lose the game this time. ___,Paul.After all,their team is made up of better players.A.don't be so sure B.That's all right C.I am with you D.It's hard to say多谢各位大神啦,要有解释哦我在B和C之间犹豫中...... this one for jane ,this one for ...this one for everyone to,一首很dj的 歌曲伦敦男篮比赛的时候 放过 He is new to this ciyt.everyone is a _(strange)to him. 一首很好听的dj 有几句英语好像是 this thinks this thinks this thinks 连续三遍的 然后就是节奏.抱歉忘记是哪个单词了 I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth. 英语翻译出自:don't cry for me argentina .PS:"although she's dressed up to the ninesat sixes and sevens with you ." 这整句怎么翻译? She is all dressed up and nowhere to go.请大家帮我做一下这个句子的语法分析、 为什么前面是is、 后面是dressed 莫非后面是形容词? The boys are very happy b___ their team won the game. It's against the r____to touch the ball with one"s hands. Enough has (has)here of this issue空白处怎么填 This house has only __ __ __ __ furniture空格上面应该填什么? sat数学考不考正弦余弦定理,三角函数恒等变换,数列? The m_____ question is a lack of time. Tt is time for us ( ) discuss the question . 关于三角余弦定理的问题已知三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1的侧棱与底面边长都相等,A1在底面ABC上的射影为BC的中点,则异面直线AB与CC1所成的角的余弦值为?根据三角余弦定理,cos角A1AB=cos角A1AD*cos角DAB,没有看 The question is__we can get there on time 三角正余弦定理在三角形ABC中,sin^2 A/2=c-b/2c,则ABC形状为 三角的难题(余弦定理等)三角形ABC中,2*角A度数=3*角B度数.求证:(a^2-b^2)(a^2+ac-b^2)=b^2*c^2角A 度数的两倍等于角B度数的三倍 However beautiful the firework is,it will disappear some day,as love does,as you did.求翻译 mr.green as well as i will try ____ best to help him out 中间填什么? Let us count ___one ___a hundred.填介词 I can count () zero () one hundred用适当的介词填空 翻译 Hello Evereone!Are you a beautiful the big woman? nice women beautiful是什么意思? beautiful women are awesome英语什么意思 改为同义句 Does he wear a white uniform1、Does he wear a white uniform?_____ he ______ a white uniform?2、They are talking on the phone They are talking_____ _____3、It often rains in my hometown.改为三句啊 Does the boy wear white jacket your brother?对么,不对改正 If you are right,It will be remain to be proved in the future 翻译:"why don not you want to accept this wonderful opportunity?"suggest the boss on the phone. 这些短语 这个短语造一个句子.