
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:53:04
Form what number can you take half and leave nothing 故木受绳则直,金就砺则利.出自于哪? 过秦论最后一句.故木受绳则直金就砺则利后面的. 展望未来1适合几年级读?学了SBS2,读这个可以么?展望未来1里是以词绘量为主还是语法? becease thday is the first day of one year in USA Friday after thanksgiving holidays is called the Black Friday.What is so special about Black FridayHint:special sales .deep discounts .holiday shopping season .ect 是回答这个问题 用英文 条理清楚 语法正确 除了提示最好补充一 “Miss Black is not in the first.”的中文意思bang He is the first black driver是什么意思 故木受绳则直 金就砺则利下一句 故木受绳则直金就砺则利.下1句是? The man lived in next door is my friend这句话有错吗 that's 可以做that was的缩写么? That was...可不可以缩写成That's... ?如题,英语不好,见笑了. The fourth day of the weekdays is __ A,thursday B,Friday选择哪一个 Friday is b______Thursday and Saturday. 资本主义的政治制度以及意识形态的相关视频 今天之前 和平共处五项原则与三大政策的区别三大政策是指“一边倒”“先清扫屋子再请客”. 中共二大依据什么制定了党的革命纲领?最高和最低纲领分别是什么? 粤语怎么写,我会说但是我打不出粤语!我现在每天自已煮早餐,营养又健康 英语翻译 Jim thought about it a long time and finally decided not to go 改为同否定句是什么 一新的的拿粤语怎么说 I have been thinking about for purchasing it for a long time .这句话有没有语病 He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet填写F开头的单词. I have been thinking about to purchase it for a long time.这句话有语病么 “金玉其外,什么其中”能够形容一个人不仅外表好,涵养更好?注意:是我知道传统的是“金玉其外,败絮其中”,我现在想搞个新词,用来代替“败絮”,来形容一个人涵养更好! even is working it still she dark is if连词成句 She is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )【第二个倒的】to the classroomLinda has been dancing for six years(改为同义句)( )six years ( ) Linda ( )( )danceI started learning English when i was nine years old.(改为同义句)I started le 本人知识浅 不懂的用什么形容词来形容更好的句子 找喜欢这类交流的朋友或群本人写了一篇有点带哲学性思考的日记 希望朋友看下 有可以改的地方尽量提出来在比利时多年,观察过许多形 英语翻译 英语翻译麻烦帮忙翻译成中文. 用stand for翻译:NBA是“美国国家篮球协会”的意思.