
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:20:17
纸面石膏的类型及特点 Do you want to be in our basketball team?什么意思 smart的用法 区分smart,bright,clever 语言简单一点,拜托啦 请问clever和smart有什么区别 the room is in a terrible mess ________(一定没打扫过)答案是cant have been cleaned 但是我觉得应该用 has The room is still in a mess;it ___ thoroughly cleaned.A.can't have been B .mustn't havebeenC .wouldn't have been D.shouldn't havebeen请问选哪个?选和不选的原因?顺便把句子翻译成中文. His room is always in a mess,isn't it? Yes,it's ---.1必须用含有词缀的词来填写。2一空只允许填一词。 The room is in a terrible mess,it ___ cleane;a、can’t have been b、shouldn’t have beenc、mustn’t have been d、wouldn’t have been 碱法吸收二氧化硫和石灰石—石膏法的化学原理相同之处 I hope i will be loving you forever and deeply的中文意思 I will love you forever、but I don't hope you can know 还有 I missing You,My Lover 是撒意思啊?帮个忙啊... 英语翻译cheese ,basil leaves and vine ripened tomatoes with olive oil - with some freshly grilled fish and a nice glass of red wine. 求英文翻译Nothing makes things go wrong more than working in a rush. 那些食物里铜,锌,铁,元素多? I want to stay with you ..my first love I want to stay with you ..my first love 谁能帮我翻译一下. 歌词搜歌 i well always love you,i well always stay ture.这首歌是在吴忠宪的王牌大明星上面听到的,是男女合唱,女孩子是新加坡的新人. 找了好久了,不知道是什么歌,不是外国人唱的那首~ 为什么有多种酸性气体杂质时要先除去酸性较强的 怎样区分酸性气体和有机气体的区分,寝室的朋友喜欢吸食冰毒,请问冰毒的气体属于什么气体,我应该戴哪种防毒口罩能最好的避免吸入这种有毒气体.请知道的朋友帮帮忙吧, 陋室铭中,诗人用有仙之山,有龙之水具体比什么? 英语翻译全文是I hate my name.I hate life.morning to night,it ends to a degree.And the next day i wish i can have a different life很多根本都不make sense~我要的是真的是人会说出来的应该没有人会说:它一定程度上结束 翻译Roots and Shoots 的海报The earth can satisfy our greeds, but it cannot satisfy our needs. 请尽量押韵,字数少一些.谢谢不好意思,是说反了.应该是The earth can satisfy our needs, but it cannot satisfy our greeds. 能再短 To some degree it is possible to educate oneself翻译下, you feel like you wanna just give up. 急求问一首很好听的英文歌,女声,i just wanna give in to.一首很好听的英文歌,女声,节奏感很强,里面歌词有i just wanna give in to.还有meeting you ,meeting you ,后面很乱有很多tell.急是什么歌哦~很可惜都不 i want to give this book to you 句子成分分析 陋室铭中诗人用有仙之山有龙之水具体比什麼呢?其作用是什麼? However far away I will love U However long I stay I will always love U Whatever words I say I will I need you say i always love you ,so i can say i always stay here .But always have but .我需要非常非常通顺的翻译 The good service at the hotel ___ the poor food to some degree.A.made up for B.saved up for C.took the place of D.turn out 并解释原因.必有重谢! ------a teacher in a university,it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.A.to become B.become C.one becomes D.one becoming答案是A,想知道这么判断就选A了,为什么,这里考查的是非谓语动词的用法. To some extent/degree the good service at the hotel ______ the poor food.A.brought up B.came about C .got down to D.made up for at degree