
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 19:09:04
假设二维数组a定义为float a [3][4],下列对数组第二行第二列元素引用方法中,错误的是A *(a[0]+5) B a[2][2] C a[1][1] D *(a[1]+1) 已知数组有如下定义float a[] = {3,0,4.5,7.8};则数组a所占存储空间大小为 . 在下列括号内补上省略的内容,选自鲁人执竿()横执之,()亦不可入()俄有老父至,()曰:……()遂依()而截之回答的要完整!如下(xx)横执之,(xx)亦不可入(xx) 将下列对话中省略的内容补写在括号内选自《聊斋志异》卷六 《山市》把下列这段对话中省略的内容补写在括号内.孙公子禹年同人饮( )楼上,( )忽见山头有孤塔耸起,( )高插青 在下列括号中补上省略的内容1、( )横执之,( )亦不可入( ) 2、俄有老夫至,( )曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣,何不以锯中截而人.”( )遂依( )而截之. 在括号内补出文中省略的内容楚人贫居,读《淮南子》②,得螳螂伺蝉自障叶③,可以隐形.遂于树下 仰取叶—螳螂执叶伺蝉—以摘之,叶落树下.树下先有落叶,不能复分别,扫取数斗归,一 一以叶 The farmer came to draw up a pail of water and saved the puppy 每天听着英语睡着了用英语 国外的询盘大家帮忙翻译下啊,大体意思知道,但是想知道准确点好回函.谢啦!Pls. give us your best quotation with your best quality. At present we are looking for; 1. Manual Tooth Brushes for Adults & Kids2. Bristles - Soft/Me 把下列句子变成过去完成时.1、Jack has already finished the work.Jack went to bed after _________________________.2、They have walked for a long time.They felt tired and thirsty after ____________________________. 2、 定义一个整型数组a[10],赋初值为1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,计算10个数 英语翻译Dear Sir,Our requirement is the roll form machine for Rolling shutter slats…The machine should produce 3 different slat types which mean the machine will heve 3 different moulds..The machine sholud have automatic cutting and drilling… 把下列句子改为过去完成时.把下列句子改成过去完成时 1.Isawthefilm.2.I have seen thefilm.3.They played basketball.4.He has gone to London.5.We have been to Beijing 用过去完成时连接下面的句子1) He showed us a picture.Then he showed us around the house.2) Jack’s father mended the car.It was broken.3) We had a test.Then we had a long summer holiday.4) She bought an interesting book.Then we read it.5 was no food there for water dinosaur or怎么拼 was,no,or,for,why,there,food,water,dinosaurs连词成句 连词成句food,was,no,dinosaurs,there,or,for,water今天就要用~21点钟后就作废! 一维数组没定义的数是随机数,那二维数组呢? 把下列这段话中省略的内容补写在括号中孙公子禹年与同人饮( )楼上,( )忽见山头有孤塔耸起,( )高插青冥,( )相顾惊疑,( )念近中无此禅院 数组中含有小数怎么定义 用float还是int they had no food or water等于?还有一个 :I love flowers ____(介词)roses and lilies. They had no food or water.这句话可以转换成哪些句型?快 They didn't feel well____they had lots of food for supper.A.so B.without C.and 初三英语——改写句子.They had pumped the well dry ,and could get no more water.They had pumped the well dry ,and could get no more water.(保持原句意思不变)They had pumped the well dry,and could ________ ________get water. you are the legend this is your time什么意思 The woman is very perfect是什么意思 the perfect fun什么意思 The perfect combination是什么意思 有点辣手是什么意思 brev=short短 是不是=号前面的是字根 后面的是单词 我想说的是 为什么会这么复杂呀 字根应该像是中文里的偏旁部首 应该也属于单词的一部分 比如我看到brev想到的是短 那么后面这个怎么也 侬辣手什么意思 “铁肩担道义,辣手著文章”是什么意思