
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:01:32
虚拟语气一定要变成相应过去式吗? 过去式的虚拟语气的公式 虚拟语气是不是后面都要用过去式啊 l don't want to say your spoken English take mistakes.求翻译? 囫囵吞枣文言文 逐字翻译 囫囵吞枣的文言文谁有? If it ________[be]sunny tomorrow,we_______[have] a picnic outside.用所给词的适当形式填空. It's going to be▁▁ tomorrow.( sun)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 帮我翻译下, I wish I knew my neighbor. 谢啦 I wish I knew my neighbor. 啥意思吖 why do you choose the university of arizona 求完整,很能说服人的回答...全英文的, 囫囵吞枣-文言文的一些问题(O_O)?客有曰:"梨益齿而损脾,枣益脾而损齿."一呆弟子思久之,曰:"我食梨则嚼而不咽,不能伤我之脾;我食枣则吞而不嚼,不能伤我之齿."狎者曰:"你真是囫囵吞却 Forty is the ------ of twenty.A:twoB:twiceC:halfD:double After the racing car started,it ran_______A quicker and quicker B more and more quicklyC quick and quick D more and more quick 乘客们都上车后 公共汽车开始移动 The bus started_____ _____ after the passengers ____ _____ it. ran after it 曹操两个儿子"三曹""三曹"贰人叫什么名字吖? delta goodrem wish you were there 中英 歌词 曹操和他的哪两个儿子被称为文学家?如提.三国时期的曹操和他的哪两个儿子被称为有名的文学家?并成为“三曹”. I would like to slowly toward you wish you were there for me 〃 i'm ______ basketball with my B.playing C.plays 改错:I piaying chess with my friends now. someone told me they had seen the accident happen ___(them) someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.这句话中的had是怎么回事?不是应该用has吗?还是另有原因? someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds\为什么要加had 直接 someone told ... 老师,请问新二第7课第3行:A few hours earlier,someone had told the police…中的earlier怎么理解? 用单词的适当形式填空Someone told me they had seen the accident happen______(they) 先秦·左丘明《左传·襄公二十九年》:“德至矣哉,大矣!如天之无不帱也,如地之无不载也.虽甚盛德,其蔑以加于此矣,观止矣.若有他乐,吾不敢请已.” 的翻译 明天会过来吗?用英语怎么说 我在家里用英语怎么写 英语翻译 请用英语语言学角度分析golden is silence...