
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 13:12:07
肋骨属于什么骨 I just episode in your life, don't need to care about, now I will disappear from your life.什么意思啊?谢谢 请问五道杠是什么意思? 五道杠是什么意思. 现在新闻上的“五道杠”少年是什么意思 这个词用来讽刺什么吗? 那个小学生袖标的五道杠 what about ____(take ) a photo We should think about what we can do ____________ (keep) animals and plants from becoming endangered.用所给动词的适当形式填空.答案是to keep,我想知道为什么加to啊? what do you think we should worry about the envieonment 英语口语考试要用 至少2分钟 意大利的人用英语怎么说 为什么大功率电器用电时电压会低? 什么是人生道路? 初中英语作文 English homework and I1.How dose English help you improve your English?why?(Give at least two example/reasons)2.Please give suggestions to your English homework.(At least two suggestions and give your reasons) 谁能帮我写篇英语作文?题目是English and I 谁有I and English 的英语作文 人生 你认为有意义吗?请说明原因 Before______(make) any decision, think twice. this is a family -is not very big and one -everyone is friendly to others.a which;that b that;thatc which;whered /'whereO(∩_∩)O谢谢 普通电热水壶是多大功率? 出境游电水壶功率大小有什么规定 我买个50块钱的电水壶、请问一下水壶烧开水的功率是多大啊? 一根方钢长2m,横截面是边长3cm的正方形.已知1cm3的刚重7.8克,这段方钢重多少千克? 抗震测距仪是在地震时候使用么?可以测量地震级别么? It is important for everyone to relax more or less.这个表达正确吗? I think______(read) more books is very important for everyone. 阅读理解:Eatng is important to everyone. Eating is important to everyone . But not many people have time to think about what to eat .“Fast food is easy , quick and delicious,” says Sarah Hudso , a 14-year-old high school student from Amer 我们四人寝,20平见方,门正对着厕所,寝室内窗上有一个小镜子正对着门,我们要搬到大四的寝室,在新寝室里一个非常小的镜子正对着门,门正对着厕所,在一间衣柜里发现铜钱和小米,据说不是很 碳酸根先和钙离子还是钡离子反应?为什么? 银离子和碳酸根离子反应生成什么?和碳酸氢根离子呢?最好解释一下,谢谢. 英语翻译2、plenty available是什么意思?他们分别的词性是? 英语翻译最后一个词作“惊变”翻译.要语句通顺.