
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 11:17:43
英语词语的正确形式33.It is reported that the construction ofthe new subway (complete)_ _____ next month.34.The manager stressed the(important) _ ____ of developing a long-termstrategy for the company.35.If he (take)_____ my advice at that ti 语文早读怎么搞好我们的语文科代表领读早读时,总是同学们都不想读,读也很小声.英语早读时,大家都读得很大声,可能大家都对语文没兴趣.我现在想问语文早读可以搞些什么活动来让大家活 6.)Justin lives with his parents.He has a r_______on the top floor.Every day,he goes out inthe evening and leaves the windows o____.He s______ a lot of time at the pub .He dances and d______ there with his friends.He is very l_____ to leave .He goe 作英语口译要哪些条件?是不是必须要过专八,不要有口译证书,只过了专四可以吗?如果自己觉得有这个能力作英语口译要哪些条件?是不是必须要过专八,是否要有口译证书?只过了专四可以 简单英语改错,求速解.My summer travel started terrible .I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a ticket to hangzhou .I was going to visit a friend here and after that I would go to xiamen for long holiday . 从事英语口译职业应具备哪些技能在国内从事英语口译应该具备哪些技能 1、 教学方法的选择应注意哪些基本的问题? 分型面的选择原则有哪些?求解分型面的选择原则有哪些? 考研要要背46级单词吗我4级刚过,想准备考研但是4J好多单词还是没记住的应该都补全,还是直接看考研词汇啊? 四六级单词有多重要?考研时单词有有多重要呢,与四六级比,单词占得比重大不大啊 英语口译基本要求速求! On Christmas Eve-the night before Christmas Day-children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.Father Christmas is very kind a 英语口译资格好考吗? don't leave译I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you And all the loneliness i would go through But if you wanna leave I won't stop you I've been gone so long I'm used to feelin' alone I estimated our love My estimation was wrong See I never knew 1.there is water all around that place,the only wat to reach there is to take a boat.译这个句子.2.look at the photo ,we took last weekend.wow!you had a good time skating!译这个句子.另,we took 后面为什么没有 photo 3.what about a drin don't leave me regina Spektor空间里的链接 Don't leave me --- Regina Spektor的链接 求Don't leave me --- Regina Spektor的链接,放空间里! Don't Leave Me Regina Spektor 的空间链接 求 Don't Leave me-Regina Spektor的空间链接 上面的两个句子,属于独立主格中的原因状语,我想问一下,同样是一般过去时,为什么be动词的形式不一样呢? 句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子(疑问词当主语时)who did homework yesterday?这句话成立吗?我急用 快 减英语怎么写 减的英文是什么是m开头的! 读诗句,圈出与带点的字对应的词 .1.天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回.加点字:开.2.水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇.加点字:好. 春节回家时给领导请假应该怎么说每年的春节前夕总是想编号各种那理由给上司请假,总奢望着能多请几天!不知道各位在请假的时候都有什么绝招,或者有没有听到上司最雷人的话! 想请假回家,可是不知道用什么借口请假!元月十八才放假,可是我想十号回去,相当于要请一个月的假才行,可是我们老板娘不让请那么久,我又不想失去那么好的工作怎么办? 请假回家办护照用英文怎么说?请帮忙翻译下面的话,翻成英文,"由于护照必须要本人亲自去办理,不能找别人代办,因此我能不能请假回家去办理,大概要请3天的假,加上周末一共5天." 地质历史时期的气候变化指的是 A时间跨度最大,变化周期最长.B距今一万年来的气候变化C近一千年的气候变 英语翻译”因迄今尚未接到贵方的消息,特致函询问,贵方是否已收到我方回函,并征求贵方对本公司产品的意见?” 09年12月份的英语六级,成绩什么时间出来 英语翻译是要发到国外的,请准确点,