
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:14:02
闪人吧 是get along 还是get alone? 日本的核污染有没有污染到中国的江省这边的空气中? "我忘不了你 我还喜欢着你" 翻译成英文是什么 日本地震会不会给我们带来核污染 在岸上看湖面,经常看到“鱼在云中游”的景象,其中“鱼”是光的 形成的是光什么形成的 (填”虚“或”实“)像 外语一共多少笔画 用笔画的全写谢谢英语 广州亚运会的运动员入场是按照笔画还是英文顺序?我现在不知道运动员入场是按照笔画还是英文顺序?现在急! 如果海水受到核污染怎样才能消除?需要多长时间 人站在湖边,看到湖中的鱼在云朵中游来游去,鱼和云分别是折射成的,还是反射的? 日本的核污染会不会影响大气和海水.我们该怎么办 海水受到核污染后海鲜、鲜海带可不可以吃 alone和lonely的区别,用法上的不同点 广岛核污染持续多久 do you know nanjing massacre in the word 2 what do you think of it? What do you think of this hat?It looks _____ .I don't want to take it.( )A、funny B、happy C、best D、niceWhat does Thomas usually do in the morning.He usually ______ .He think it is good for his health.( )A、tastes B、makes C、brushes D、exe 核污染放射可持续多少年 I know what you think of it,but I'm afraid I don't a____ Academic Report, Sino-British College, USST是什么意思 老是看到sino做前缀的单词,如中国石化sinopec,中钢集团sinosteel.到底这s-i-n-o怎么解释? 英文中“&”的笔顺从哪下笔, 笔顺规则的英语怎么说 do you think the beef tasted ____ ? yes , mary cooked it very _____, i thinka.well good b . good well Her uncle has cooked a turkey.It looks _____ but tastes__________.A.good ,badly B.well ,bad C.nice ,bad D.wonderfully ,badly说明原因 It ( ) a windy day before yesterday.A.was B.were C.is D.are I did it the day before yesterday怎么解释 左撇子 英文笔画顺序我想问下,那地方可以下到左撇子用的英文笔画描红,我感觉很多英文字母都不好写,比如k,r等等 They had an exciting Sunday yeserday 改为感叹句 ( )( )( )Sunday they had yesterday 用i had a busy day yesterday 写一段话 Wu Yifan had a busy day yesterday.( 改为同义句) 请原谅我不能接受你的爱英语怎么说 Cause you are my everything to