
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 00:02:04
was to do&was to have donethe results were to___yesterday,but we have heard nothingA.announce B.be announcing C.be announced D.have been announced正确答案选哪一个 The blow is empty.He (eat) the food. 什么 is the bowl It's time for lunch.Hobo is going tot taste his meal.What?His bowl is ___!The food was in the bowl an hour ago,but it isn't there now.缺词填空 独特的见解 用英语怎么说? 独特的见解用英语怎么说 最近去面试,好的公司都要求会英语,所以想找个地方突击一下,昆明有口语速成班么? 英文翻译:他不是很健康. 提高口语,在成都参加英语速成班有用吗 想在年底考5.5之前英语没什么基础,昆明有速成班吗? 改一般过去时 The movie is interesting the vase is on the small tabie[改为一般过去时?] 笨鸟先飞的成语是什么 Is liuTao swimming in the river?哪错了 过了3小时就没用了 笨鸟先飞这个成语出自哪里? 笨鸟先飞 是成语还是词语?词语和成语最大的区别在那里?怎么分清那个是成语那个是词语?是不是成语是四个字,而词语是两个字的, what is wronging you ?what are you-------- ---------? University of Alberta 这个大学怎么样?不知道该不该申请这个大学,Edmonton 冬天是不是很冷? Univercity of Alberta 是私立还是公立大学、排名怎么样、好不好啊、 诗人赋予 纸船 以思念和悲哀的句子是哪一句?[纸船寄母亲 能与笨鸟先飞相承接的四字成语,文艺点的 粤语的英文怎么写? 如何用英语骂人火星?我知道他们会说which planet do you come from?但是我不知道有没有一个简单的词来我知道他们会说which planet do you come from?但是我不知道有没有一个简单的形容词来表示一个人很 植物大战僵尸中more ways to play 中的mini games 中的Bechoule怎么过关? 林秋霞.翻译成粤语的英文拼音.要英文!不要拼音 early admission能不能入境 求翻译In early autumn I applied for admission to college.I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University,but my mother fought strongly against it.When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell,she tore it up. “面积相等的三角形全等”的否命题是什么?真假性怎样?是“不一定”还是“不全等”,为什么 13.“面积相等的三角形全等”的否命题是 命题(填“真”或者“假”)懂了 it was the king's crown which was made of pure gold.是什么从句呢? 英文名字可以叫gold(金子)吗?还是golden好呢? GOLDEN CROWN轮胎哪个公司的