
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 23:35:26
当你到达陌生的西安时,你首先应购买一张; a西安交通图 b西安地形图 c西安旅游图 英语作文A Good Leaner80词提示词:good hobit ,listen careful ,go over ,finish ons home work,help each other,in the free time,ask for. 英语作文 a good film 乡村聚落怎样选址 同义句转换 Her eyes fill with tears. 怎么计算月经周期 The Girl With April In Her Eyes 歌词 What are you going to be,Sarah?I am going to be a TV reporter.(改为第三人称) Zhang Peng is going to is a tv reporter哪里错了 Are you going to be a TV reporter? often there are many applicants for the same joband the competition for a certain job can put you right in the middle 怎么计算女生生理周期? Do you have _______ _______ (更多的)paper? Gina wants to buy a pen to the store.哪里错 如何计算生理周期我上个月是8好,这个月是13好,我的排卵期是几号 如何计算生理期 Don not let my parents down,because i love them.Don not let my parents down,because i love them. 1、My teachers are nice.I love them.同义句转换 I love[ ] [ ] because[ ] [ ]nice.2、There is a photo of my family on the wall of the room.改为一般疑问句[ ] [ ]a photo [ ] [ ] family on the wall of the room?3、There is a map[in the box]. 为我推荐几本词汇丰富、前卫且深刻的文学作品吧!我希望这些文学作品能写进人的心灵深处,又体现出前卫的感觉.中外作品不限,最好是最近十年二十年的东西.我超有时间看的. 描写海水的文学作品要摘抄里面的好词好句 1、what programs do you like best?how often do you watch them? 2、why do you like those programs?3、what programs do you dislike?why?4、what suggeations do you have for our programs?这几个问题怎么回答?只要回答的合理就行。在 水的科普小童话请你以"水,一位永不停步的旅行家"为题,将水的旅行过程写成一段科普小童话,另外还有两道题,双手合掌用力搓一会而,把手掌贴在脸上是什么感觉?在这些过程中能量是怎样转 苏轼、李清照、辛弃疾的创作风格和他们生活的时代、处境有什么联系? 1.Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years. was two years ___ i joined the army.a.before b.since c.that d.after,不用排除法, 谁帮忙算下生理周期?这月18好来的,上月21号来的.周期是多少? Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years.A.joined B.be in C.been in D.joined in 同义句型转换(英语) He joined the army ten years ago.He joined the army ten years ago.①___ ___ ten years ago ___ he joined the army.②___ ___ ten years ___ he joined the army.③He ___ ___ in the army for ten years.④Ten years ___ ___ LG Optimus Black (P970)和LG Optimus 2X那个好 LG Optimus Black (P970)和LG Optimus 2X那个好? lg optimus 2x和lg optimus black有什么区别?哪个比较好? Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time,she was busy eating.标点是不是错误没有连词 两句完整的句子 当中是不是应该用句号?