
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:35:28
找类似于You Are Beautiful的歌,要有FEEL的越多越好,很有感觉的就对了.要是男声的 mi vida es muuuuy 如题 Mi vida quería ser una buena colección 是什么语言 who read better,lucy or lily同上 怎么改错 the are Lucy an Lily.同义句是什么?sorry ,我怎么写的错的一塌糊涂哦。这个句子是:They are Lucy and Lily.请问它的同义句是什么? point Who read better,Lucy or lily改错 beautiful school bikes and cars modern school的意思djfh ujfhdh f My dream is what?Future want to do? lest的用法? less的最高级是不是lest啊? Such-Hen-Nose-Egg-Get-( )What's the next word LEST、P有多少?现在是T多还是P多啊, LEST怎么配衣服我是个小T,个子比较矮也就160吧,头发和普通男生的头发差不多,都是立着的,每次买衣服都会去选男装,不过男装有的太大,小号穿起来显的腿短,要是让我去买女生的衣服(不可能 我想知道这些短语的意思.Left,Right,UP,Down,Grapple,Action,Attack,ToggleTarget,Pause就是这九个,我知道很麻烦,可我不懂英语, The next Word Cup will ______ in South.The next Word Cup will take plce in South...will 后面为什么不加 be 作文Our modern school...急求English版作文..7句就ok...语法一定要对...偶们要去考口试的... The police asked for the ____of the public in tracing the missing boy.A.cooperation B.combination C.possibility D.capacity Our new school is nice and modern对nice and modern提问 So frightened ( )that he couldn't say a wordA.the boy was B.was the boy C.did the boy be D.be the boy 怎么区分状语与定语? 读完后,你对朋友这个词有什么新的认识胖子和瘦子是一对好朋友.有一天,他们一起到树林里玩儿.突然,灌木丛中一声咆哮,一只大熊吼叫着向他们扑过来.救命!”他们两个叫喊着,拼命向前奔逃. 亲爱的们,我看到朋友的评论对这个词真心不理解!知道的请赐教! 当祢面对一个有遗传缺陷的人(亲友、自己和朋友)时,祢应选择什么样的态度和行为? 以“Wy dream is ...” 为题,写一篇短文. (字数:80) 内容包括:1.What is your dream? 2.Why do you h...以“Wy dream is ...” 为题,写一篇短文. (字数:80)内容包括:1.What is your dream?2.Why do you have this dream?3.Haw do you m Every classroom in this modern school is _____with a new TV set.A:equipped B:installed C:fixed D:placed 11:Evert calssroom in this modern school is ______with a new TV set.a:euuippedb:installedc:fixedd:placed13:Some students have learned enough English to _____a conversation with an English speaker.a:go onb:carry onc:keep ond:hold on14:He left his nati 当字符串为"This Is a c Program",ch的值为’a’输出结果应为:"This Is A c ProgrAm"#include #include void fun(char str1[],char ch) { // } main() { char str1[80]="This Is a c Program"; clrscr(); printf("String is:%s\n",str1); fun(str1,'a walk down walk down 翻译这短语就行 walk