
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:46:19
棒棒糖和水果糖.帮我加几个好看的符号.是梦幻里的名字. 棒棒糖符号怎么打 棒棒糖的符号怎么打出来的渴望 Did you know_____________in the past?A.which subject did Ted like best B.which subject Ted likesC.which subject Ted liked bestD.whichsubject does Ted like best 为什么选C 麻烦各位高手把“伊咔”译音成英文最好是原创或者有一些好的寓意在里面,切记发音一定要极像那种.小弟英语不好,麻烦各大神多多指教了! 希望之星英语风采大赛 淮南 初赛 大多是什么? 英语翻译偶叫毛舒蓉~ 如果f(x)在【-1,1】上连续,且平均值为2,则(-1,1)∫f(x)dx ∫√x/(2-√x)dx(积分上下限是0到1) My sister goes to the Children's Palace by bus every weekend.(用take the bus替换by bus) ①Jenny didn't say anything and left.Jenny ______ ______ and ______ _______. 时态填空_____you _____(be )in TianJin for many years. 时态,(live) in Sydney for many years,he knew the city very well. My sister can playing the guitar.找出句中错误,并改正 Jane didn't say anything a and left同义句 一个标准集装箱长6米,宽与高都是2.5米,最多能装几个长1米,宽与高都是6分米的长方体货箱. My brother takes a bus to go to school.(改错) cry over the split还是silpt milk? 任务型阅读 Homes of Animals[]Everybody has a home .People have homes,and animals also have their homes.People live in many different kinds of houses.Animals have different houses,too.[]Some animals live in holes under the ground.Woodchuck live u a lot of ,their对于a lot of 有这些说法,都对吗,它是形容词,代词,限定词.对于their 是形容词吗?their是他们的的意思,有:的“不是应该是形容词吗;a lot of ,我想说它是代词是因为代词的概念说 how did you work out the math problem?A.to ask the teacher for help B.because theteacher helpe C.by trying another wayD.when woking with my frieng! GBP是什么币种的简写 gbp是什么货币 the dead are said to return to their homes.句中are said是被动结构?to return这个不定式是什么?谓语? Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.guiding 是句子中的什么成份,是动名词还是现在分词呢? Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海,指引着亡灵返回另一个世界1.guiding 是句子中的什么成份,是动名词还是现在分词 ∫1/(x^2+9) dx 在区间【0,9】的值是什么?因为9不能取,所以要设b=9,然后求lim b--9(∫1/(x^2+9) dx )的值,后面我就解不出来了 求∫x^4/(x+1)^(1/2)dx值的范围?有没有巧解的方法!最好一眼能看出来什么门道 ∫2x/√1+x2 dx 在区间2√2到0区间内的值? 在区间[-1,0]上,∫√(1-x∧2)dx=原函数怎么算 About five o'clock every morning.的意思是 at about five o