
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:01:06
判断下列句子属于哪一种文言文特殊句式,并按现代汉语习惯翻译出来判断句 省略句 倒装句 被动句休于树阴() 翻译去则埋之树根() 翻译 英语翻译1.却看妻子筹何在,漫卷诗书喜欲狂2.何不是之一足?3.以子之矛,陷子之盾,何如? 英语翻译若然,则眉有何能,亦居我上? 英语翻译翻译古文1、过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至.2、与人期行,相委而去.3、日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼. 懂英语的帮忙用语法造几个句子语法有:say to sb speak to sbtalk sth to sbtalk sb about sthtell/ask sb (not) to do sth make sb do sthIt is adj for sb to do sth.let sb do sthplay with sb/sthwait for sbsend sb sth/send sth to sbdress one 请问这句英文句子文法对吗There are 11 kinds of marbles used in the project on the drawings is the same as your attached form. 英语高手进,帮忙看下这个句子有无语法或者词汇错误Though the causes for this problem may be very complex ,there are three main factors can account for it.To begin with,due to ______ this phenomenon become very common.Moreover,lack 英语高手进,帮忙看下这个句子有无语法或者词汇错误,有没有Contray to generally accepted views,I argue that we should not let the benefits blind us to the problems it may pose.It is time to take the advice of experts and professo 英语句子,用的什么语法?It is that that was that he said. 方直金太阳小学五年级下册英语重点单词,词组,句子和语法在3.27晚上回答,好的加悬赏分任意加悬赏, 请求英语基础好的朋友帮我分析下面几句的语法点或是句子的用词或用句子亮点!要给学生讲课!1.High-technology marvels keep going awry lately—in cyberspace,where hackers have shown they can crash virtually any Web si 求修改.如果有语法或用词方面的错误,i died tomorrow.内容自由发挥.If I died tomorrowIf I died tomorrow?Never did I think about this problem before I hear Molly assign us compose an article about it.But if I do died tomorrow,what th 求英语帝看看这篇介绍有没有什么语法啊用词的错误.We trace the evolution of an eleven-year-old boy in the Midwest,Jack,one of three brothers.At first all seems marvelous to the child.He sees as his mother does with the eyes of his 英语作文 我和两个好朋友都喜欢运动比较句式 80词 你和你的两个朋友Tom和Mike都喜欢运动,如足球、游泳、滑冰、跑步、跳远,但你们3人高矮轻重各不同爱好程度和水平也有差异、急、谢啦 总结七年级下册英语每单元的知识点,重点句型,语法 七年级下册英语第二单元的知识、语法总结;复习题.最好是PPT形式的.必有重谢. 人教版新目标初三英语1~8单元知识总结,要固定搭配,重点句子词组和语法,要精练, 深圳牛津7B版七年级下册英语书的所有语法知识点总结,语法!要全啊 小学英语语法知识总结 将下列句子中划线的词 短语 或 句子 改为美式英语1.The programme was organised by the teacher in charge of the club ( programme organised )2.She went to the city centre and bought a pair of trousers and some sweets (centre trousers 英语翻译1.被车撞到时那个女孩正在做什么?(when)2.那个老师花了整个周末评孩子们的试卷.(grade)3.林小姐来到图书馆为她的论文搜集信息.(collect)4.他总是乐于帮助同学们复习功课.(be 不必 英语 翻译 三个词的词组 英语翻译1、班委会2、课外活动3、钉书机 英语beacuse同义词或短语有哪些? 1.up to now2.convince3.outstanding4.homeless5.failure6.particular7.actress8.mountainous9.whisper10.astonish 用英语表达'著名'的同义词或词组除well-known,be famous for 英语短语的同义词或近义词stepped into 英语翻译:这个词还有什么同义词吗 英语中有哪些词,短语什么的 只能跟句子,只能跟短语,都可以跟 请归纳, 英语翻译既然这个世界背叛了我,那么就不要再怪我背叛这个世界 英语翻译four chairs,four seats,one for you,one for me and the other two is for our children. 请英文高手查看文法语句是否有错误,给予纠正,What do you think is the most precious in the world?Money?Honor?Above all these,the most valuable is human heart,I think.To heal the hard closed heart and obtain it,it is the most valuable