
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:03:33
would you like a cup of tea___shall we get down to business right away?A and B.then C or D otherw2.翻译:Do as you have been told ,otherwise you will be punished.3.it was not until 1920__regular radio broadcast began.A.while B.which.C.that D.since would.like...是问什么?用什么句式回答 They went shonpping yesterday.同义句 I bought a pen yesterday.画a pen is,in,she,the,house,the,cleaning,bedroom 连成一句话 英语翻译“广东省东莞市厚街寮厦荔园7巷30号” 翻译成英文 she is cleaning the bedroom 用this aftenoon改写句子 某化合物化学式为RO2(角标),已知R元素的质量分数为50%,求R的化合价和R的相对原子质量? is she a helpful girl 的意思 Lynn is helpful. She is more helpful.同义句.Lynn is ( )( )( )( )Sue guess中文? GUESS的中文怎么念 she is helpful and ——(friend) guess中文怎么读 She is _______and helpful Akind Bfriendly Cgreat Dpatient 选哪个,顺便说中文意思 If you had only three days to see, what would you want to see most and why?写一段口语200多字就行了 急求啊 My uncle has been a policeman()last yearsince 18 yearsfor 18 yearsin 2013 Miki 这个英文名的意义是什么有谁知道 Miki 有什么意义在 关于英文名MikiMiki是男的还是女的偶是女的。感觉Miki很适合偶这种像男生一样的吧。女生可以用吧 I can never forget the day ____we worked together and the day ___we spent together.A.when ,which B.which,when C.what ,that D.on which ,when 为什么? 英文名Miki是什么意思? Yuki Miki 哪个英文名好 miki 算不算一个英文名字? I can never forget the days_____we worked together and the days____we spent together.A on which ; whenB which ; whenC what ; thatD when ; which 某车间有100个工人,每人平均每天加工螺栓18个或螺母24个,要使每天加工的螺栓与螺母配套(一个螺栓要配一个螺母)应如何分配加工螺栓和螺母的工人? what it is is 不对怎么改 what is good for badminton越多越好,但要用英语回答是问大羽毛球的好处 但要用ENGLISH回答 May take a message( )you? LOL 里面 四连杀 的英文单词是什么 May I take a message for him?怎么回答 Lily comes fromamercia.She lives in china a--,but she has many friends here 可爱的小动物作文啥都可以,不能太少,不能抄袭别人,要自己写的 写小动物的作文,要有真情实感.